初中英语教案模板 初中英语教案模板【优秀7篇】

2024-03-23 12:01:56


初一英语教案模板 篇一

《Where did you go on vacatio》

Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?

Good morning, everyone. I am __ from the ___. I have taught English for over ten years and I like my students. Today, I will talk about Unit 10 where did you go on vacation? Go for it Junior English Book 。There are 6 periods to finish this unit. I will talk about the first period with the following parts.。

I. Analysis of the Teaching Materials.

The topic of this unit is the continuation of unit 9 as well as about the past events.

By using the Simple PasT Tense,which is essential in junior English,students will

talk about their past.This topic is about their e_periences and places they have

visited on their vacations.So it helps bring back their memories and learning


II. Students’ characteristic

Although the Junior 1 has been learning English for almost a year and are having

some basic knowledge. Because of living in China and surrounding environment, students are learning English impassively and irregularly. But The junior 1 has showned themselves very creative,capable and of plasticity as they’re doing so well in what they’re interested in such as games and CAI.

Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge objectives

a. To enable the students to read, to spell , to understand the vocabulary correctly.

b. To help the students ask and answer the new sentence pattern: Where did you go on vacation?

2.Ability objectives.

a. To improve the students’ skills of listening ,speaking,reading and writing.。

b. To encourage the students to communicate with others uning the new sentence pattern 。

3.Emotion objectives

a. To train the Ss to cooperate well in groups and in pairs.

b. To be interested in communicating in English.

IV. Teaching Key Points

1、 Key vocabulary

New York City camp summer camp museum

2、 Key structures

Where did you go on vacation?

I went to…

V. Teaching Difficulty

Learn the key structures

VI. Teaching Methods

1、 Task-based method

That’s to say I’ll let the students finish 1 listening task and make short dialogues along with the actions to help the students get a better understanding of the key


2、 Communication method

I’ll set up a dream and ask students to pretent themselves as reporters. This way, the students can say freely and needn’t to worry about making mistakes.

VII. Learning Methods

1、 Listening—speaking method

2、 Communicative strategy

We all know that the best ways to learn English well are to imitate,to practice,to listen,to speak and to communicate more constantly.

VIII. Teaching Aids

In this lesson, the CAI, cassette, a tape recorder will be used.

_. Teaching Procedure

I’ll mainly talk about this part. It consists of 5 steps.

Step 1 Warm – up and review

1、 Make a free talk between T-S. What did you do yesterday? And what did your best friend do yesterday?

2、 Write down the past tenses of the verbs that I show in CAI.

Purpose: this step is in order to review what the students have learnt in Unit 9.That way, I can lead them into the new lesson smoothly. I think It’s usual but pratical.

Step 2 Presentation

1、 Learn the new words and e_pressions

a. lead—in: ask students some questions: Did you dream last night? What did you dream? Where did I go on vacation in my dream?

b. CAI shows many pictures of my dream,which are also the activities in 1a 。

c. Ask students to read and spell the new phrases.

d. Do 1a. Match the activities with the pictures (a—g)。

e. Play a guessing game: I will show some jigsaws of each picture and have the students to guess. I will praise the student who answers more quickly.

Purpose: I put the vocabulary learning into a dream in order to prompt them to find it very interesting to learn English.。 By CAI, students can match the vocabulary with the real things directly and master them easily.

Step 3 Listening practice

a. Tell the students to listen to the tape and number the people (1—5) in the picture.

b. Play the recorder for the first time, and then check the answers.

c. Play the recorder again, students imitate the conversations and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.

Purpose: this is a basic and necessary step, which develops the students’ skills of listening, reading and writing.

Step 4 Pairwork

a. T—S: where did Tina go on vacation?

She went to the mountains.

b. Ask the students to practice in pairs as we 1c. Then they will come to the platform and click on the number to choose a picture and act it out randomly

Purpose: “Task-based”teaching method is used here to develop the students’ability of

communication and their ability of co-operation will be well trained. This step provides guided oral practice using the target language to consolidate the key structure and It can develop students’ skill of speaking and sense of language.

Step5 Production

Have students pretent to be reporters to interview anyone they want to ask about their vacation.

Purpose: After learning 1a—1c, it’s time to e_tend what they learnt just now and give the students a free space to show their abilities. With the real situations, students will feel easy and successful during this part. By way of communication, the students will understand how to use the key structure better and consolidate the knowledge firmly.

Part _I Homework

Do a survey and write a report about the classmates’ vocation.

Purpose: I think homework is so important that the students can speak english as much as they can in class or after class.I set this step in order to practice students’ skills of listening, speaking and writing.

Blackboard Design

初中英语教案模板 篇二








S1:Hello! I'm Jim Green.S2:Hello! I'm Kate Green.叫其他几个学生,分别用I'm?,进行自我介绍。

3、教师叫起一个学生(他或她的真实姓名,教师要知道),然后用他(或她)的真实姓名提问:T:Hello! Are you ?让大家猜一猜这句话的意思。帮助这个同学回答:

S:Yes,I am.教师可板书Yes,I am.让大家猜一猜其含义。

再叫另一位同学,这个学生的真实姓名教师也要知道。但故意问错:T:Hello!Are you ?帮助这个学生回答:

S:No,I'm not.重复刚才的步骤,并对黑板上的答案进行讲解。其中am在肯定回答中不能缩写,因为是强调。在否定回答中可以缩写。关于am的缩写,学生只是了解一下,能听懂,能说出就可以了。


T:Hello!Are you ?(用真实姓名) S1:Yes ,I am.T:Hello!Are you ?(非真实姓名) S2:No,I'm not.I'm .也可以把学生分成3人一组,进行练习。

5、复习所学过的字母。教师出示卡片,同时问:What's this?要求学生用It's?回答。教字母O~T,方法同前。q这个字母的读音可能会引起一些麻烦,教师可给予特别注意。 6、拿出事先准备好的`小黑板,辅导这几个字母的书写格式。示范、操练步骤同前。 7、布置作业

1)练习朗读所学日常用语;2)抄写字母O~T,熟练朗读A~T,并能背诵下来;3)练习册T:Good morning(afternoon) S1:Good morning(afternoon).T:My name is .What's your name? S2:My name is X_一个学生:T:Hello! S2:Hello! T:Are you X_S2:Yes, I am .T:How are you ? S2:I'm fine,thank you.And you? T:I'm fime,too. Thank you.在进行以上操练时,注意操练形式的多样性。既要有集体操练,又要有个人或小组之间的操练。在初级阶段,学生往往容易适应进行“应答”式的操练,即教师先用英语与学生打招呼,学生进行呼应。为使学生能主动、自觉地运用所学英语去进行“交际”,教师可从现在起,开始培养学生这方面的能力,并激发学生用英语进行交际的欲望。从本课起,教师可进行以下带有明显启发式的操练:



S1:Good morning.S2:Good morning.T:同学们从各个小学来到这里,有很多新同学要结识,如果你想询问某一个同学的名字。应该怎样问呢?


S1:Hello!My name is .What's your name? S2:My name is X_目前为止所学过的对话,教师都可以用这种为学生设计一个情景的方式,启发学生主动运用所学英语进行交际。这种作法要坚持下去,学生的交际能力会在这样的操练中,有效地提高;在很多学生中存在的只能被动地去附合、呼应教师的现象,也会在很大程度上有所改变。



T:Hello, Jim.S1:Hello,Mr(Ms)(教师的Family Name).T:(Pointing to S2)This is Han Meimei.

(Pointing to S1)Han Meimei ,this is Jim.启发全班同学:这时应说什么?之后教师给出答案:Nice to meet you.解释这句话的意思,并说明答语出是

4、放录音。 S2:Hello,Li Lei.S1:Jim,this is Han Meimei.Han Meimei,this is Jim.S3:Hello,Jim! Nice to meet you .S2:Hello,Han Meimei! Nice to meet you.S3:How are you? S2:Fine,thank you.And you ? S3:I'm OK.教师可将全班分为3大组(例如,每两行为一大组),每大组分别扮演一个角色,与在前面表演的同学进行同步会话。




1)练习朗读本课日常用语,并能用This is ?的句型,向别人进行介绍;2)抄写本课中所学字母,要求会背诵字母表。


1.This is Wei Hua.Wei Hua,this is Jim.这是卫华。卫华,这是吉姆。 This is ?是用来进行介绍的句式。如果是自我介绍,可以说:

Let me introduce myself.My name is ?我来自我介绍一下,我叫?一般当听完对方的介绍后,要主动说:Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!

2、Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴!

这是一种问候用语,一般在双方刚认识后讲这句话,表示很高兴结识对方。答语是:见到你我也很高兴!此外,当两位熟人或朋友见面,也可用Nice to meet/see you .或Nice to seee you again。表示问候。

nice的词义除表示“令人愉快的”以外,还有“漂亮的,好的”等意思。例如:That's a

nice boy.那是个好孩子。It's a nice car.那辆汽车真漂亮。


4、翻到彩色插图a)T:Good morning(afternoon). S:? b)T:Hello!Are you??

S:? c)T:What's your name? S:? d)T:How are you? S:?

e)T:Hello! Nice to meet you.S:? f)T:(手持字母卡片)What's this? S:?


中学英语教案 篇三








Step 1 Revision

值日生Duty Report

让值日生Duty Report加上买东西的内容。 如句型:I want to buy a bag of milk, some bread and two eggs for my tomorrow’s breakfast on my way home. My mother want to buy four potatoes, two kilos of fish, tow kilos of apples, 1 kilo of chicken legs.

让值日生随意拿起某同学的物品,问:How much is your pen, please? 答:Maybe it’s … 问:How much are two pencils, please? 答:They’re …

Step 2 Presentation

引出今日新课:How much is …, please? How much are …, please? 教问价钱:how much … 教句型:How much is the…,please? How much are the …。, please?

老师可问一些同学们知道价钱的物品。如:方便面,袋牛奶,可乐等。练习回答:It’s …yuan a bag / a bottle / kilo. They are …yuan a kilo.


Step 3 practice




A: This is a shop near our school. What things does the shop sell?

B: Let me see. It sells pens, pencils, pencil-boxes, pencil-sharpeners…

A: Does it sell bread / cakes / bottles milk…in the shop?

B: Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.

A: How much is it / are they? Do you know?

教单词:tomato, onion, carrot




A: Which shop sells bread / milk / cakes / tomatoes / onion / carrot?

B: The shop next to our school.

A: Would you like to go with me?

B: Certainly.

教单词:cheap, expensive,

cheap: not expensive expensive: not cheap


In the shop

A: Do you have tomatoes here?

B: Yes, we do.

A: How much are they?

B: They are ten yuan a kilo.

A: They are too expensive. What about that shop? Let’s have a look.

A: OK.

In the another shop

A: I want to buy some tomatoes. How much are they?

B: They are five yuan a kilo. How many do you want?

A: They are cheap. I want three.

B: Here you are.

A: Here is the money. Bye!

B: Bye!

Step 4 Read and practice

利用以上的所有道具练习第三部分对话。注意:分别用上:How much is it? How much are they?

Step 5 Consolidation


Step 6



Blackboard Handwriting

Unit 29 Shopping


New Words: how much, cheap, expensive     tomato

Useful expressions              onion

How much is it? It is …yuan a bag / bottle / kilo?  carrot

How much are they? They are …a kilo.

How many / How much do you want?

初中英语教案 篇四




Teaching contents:

SectionA 3a,3b,4,SectionB 1,2a,2b,2c.

Teaching procedures(教学步骤):

Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

Ask some students to make sentences with if .

Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)SB Page 36 , 3a .

1.First ,let Ss read the notice from the principal .

2.Read the dialogue to the class saying bland when come to a blank line .

3.Get Ss read the notice again and fill in the blanks .

4.Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)SB Page 36 , 3b .

1.Ask some students to read out the sample dialogue and the words in the box .

2.In pairs , let Ss have a conversation about the rules .

3.Get some pairs to say their conversations to the class .

SB Page 36 , Part 4 .

1.Read the instructions and ask Ss to complete the work in pairs .

2.Ask a few students to share their conversations .

Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)SB Page 37 , Part 1 .

Ask students to complete the work on their own .Then do a quick check to see which things are most important to students in the class .

SB Page 37 , 2a & 2b .

1.Read the instructions and play the recording .

2.Ss listen and write down their answers .

3.Correct the answers .

SB Page 37 , 2c .

In pairs , get Ss to role play a conversation according to the information in activity 2b .


Have Ss write their conversations on their exercise books.

初中英语教案模板 篇五



2. 学会讨论吃什么饭,买什么东西。

3.复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:How about…? What about…? Can you come with me? What do you have for dinner this evening? Let me and have a look.等。

4.新单词:chicken, tofu, fridge, list, shopping list, buy, kilo

句型:What do we have for dinner this evening?

Fish is my favourite.

What else do you want to have?

Don’t we have any eggs?

Let me make a shopping list.

You can help me carry the things.




Step 1 Revision

[课件展示]教师在课堂上提问题,引导学生回答 What do you have for breakfast today? Shall we go and buy something to eat? What’s in the pictures? Let me see. What do we have for lunch today? How about…? What about…? What else do you want to have? Can you go and buy the things? Let’s go.等。老师也可以同样的方式提问全班同学。


Step 2 Presentation

[课件展示]教师在复习食品名称基础上,引出购物的话题。教授有关食品新单词chicken, tofu, fridge, tomato, onion, carrot, pork 教师可以点击 播放单词录音让学生跟读,掌握好单词的标准发音。然后教师教单词list, shopping list, buy, buy things, kilo, one kilo of chicken legs 引导根据所学习的新单词,学生回答句子:What do you have for lunch today? What else do you want to have? What do we have in the fridge? Can you go and buy the things?

Step 3 Read and say

[课件展示]教师点击图片可以播放影片让学生观看,播放课文对话录音 让学生跟读课文对话,尽可能的模仿录音中的语音语调,教师再点击鼠标出现以下有关问题:

What’s in the fridge? Is there any fish in the fridge? Are there any chicken legs in the fridge? Don’t we have any eggs in the fridge? Why do they go shopping?


Step 4 shopping list

[课件展示] 教师点击图片播放影片让学生观看,教师点击 播放录音让学生跟读。

根据课文的购物单自行设计一个自己的购物单, 教师让个别学生读出自己的购物单,互相比较看看谁设计的购物单最合适。

Step 5 practice

[课件展示] 在学生之前设计好了购物单的情况下,老师让学生观看课件中的超市图片,假设学生在周末和父母去市场买东西。 然后教师再点击鼠标,课件中就会显现出商店所卖的商品和价目表,让学生根据图片和价目表自编一个对话:一人为售货员,一人为顾客,教师可以引导学生使用这几句话:Can I help you? I’d like ….. Here you are. Here is the money. 对话可长可短,因人而异。

Step 6 Consolidation

初中优秀英语教案 篇六

一、Teachers words: Where there is a will, there is a way.

二、Teaching aims:


词汇: clean, read, sure, wait, toy, west, camera, activity, shop, bird.

短语:talk about, a photo of, thanks for, play soccer, wait for, some of, in the first photo, …


(1)What are you doing? --Im watching TV.

(2)Is Nancy doing homework? --No,she isnt. Shes writing a letter.

(3 ) Do you want to go to the movies? --Yes,I do.

(4)When do you want to go? --Lets go at 7:00.



3 。情感目标:通过合作学习谈论正在发生的事,启发学生思维,培养学生的合作精神。



四、Teaching course:

Step 1.预习导学自测:


1、My little brother is w_____ a letter.

2、The students are c_____ the classroom.

3、The boy is taking a photo with a c______.

4、Are they w_____ for a bus over there?

5、Hes r_____ a newspaper.


1、talk about________ 2、a photo of________

3、wait for________ 4、in the first photo________

5、电话交谈________ 6、踢足球________

7、因…而感谢________ 8、许多图书馆_______


Look at the pictures in P25 1a and write sentences

Now its 6:00 pm. What are they doing?

In picture A. She is talking on the phone.

In picture B. ________________________

In picture C. ________________________

In picture D. ________________________

In picture E. ________________________

In picture F. ________________________





A、一般直接在动词后加______,如reading,watch_____, talk____ 。

B、以字母不发音的e结尾的____________,如writing,come_______, make ____ 。

C、一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词要_____________________ 。如swimming , run ____ ,begin ____。


1.Make dialogues in pairs

---What are you doing?

---I am reading.

初中优秀英语教案 篇七


在本节课结束时,学生将能够:用正确的语言谈论如何学习;用by+ doing的结构描述自己的学习方式;能够就英语学习与他人进行简单的口语交流。




采用小组合作探究、听力练习、对话练习、猜测问题和角色互换的学习策略,利用视频、PPT和制作课件等来展开课堂教学环节等,进行 “询问和谈论学习方法、解决困惑” 的课堂教学和练习。本单元的教学法建议:短语教学——采取情景引入展开启发式的教学方式,让学生在思考中输出自己的语言,并在句型中学会运用;语音教学——让学生进行听对话并跟读听力材料;口语教学——采取对话练习和角色互换对学生进行教学;听力教学——采取听音配对、听音打钩和听音对应等的方式进行听力教学和听力技巧指导;口语教学——通过创设情境让学生进行对话练习和角色互换活动,来进行语言的输出。





学习并掌握How do you study.。.? I study.。.by 。.。.等相关句型和词汇。

学习并掌握用by + doing 结构表达方式方法。




短语教学——采取视频引入话题然后进行启发式教学,并在对话中运用;语音教学——让学生跟读听力材料进行模仿式操练;口语教学——采取 pair work 和Role- play问答式的口语交际活动或小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取采取听音配对、听音打钩和听音对应等方式语法教学——通过模仿听力材料进行对话练习,在教师的纠正中培养正确的by + doing 的结构意识。












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