中国梦英语作文 中国梦英语作文(推荐【精选10篇】

2023-11-23 17:44:46


中国梦英语作文 篇一

Yesterday, we had a discussion. the topic is. What is my dreamEvery one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor.

My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly ill. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. they took me there. I was saved.

A good doctor can save people's lives. From then on I decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a I make a decision to study hard from now on. I am sure my dream will come true.

中国梦英语作文 篇二

Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream.

Each student in our class shared their own comprehension of the topic, during which we enjoy the meeting very much.

When it turned to me , I also shared my own Chinese Dream, which Ive developed since I was very young.

I dreamed of becoming an primary school teacher after my college, spending time with kids every day.

Its really simple actually, but mean a lot to me.

I like children and especially Im longed to do something for them, for their good growth in their early age,which I think is quite meaningful.

To make my dream come true, i will study hard in school and make every effort to make me a all-rounded person .

中国梦英语作文 篇三

[关键词] 宗教价值观;个人主义精神;跨文化交际











另一种类的电影从内容上或人物设置上与圣经故事并无直接关系,但其主题和人物角色所承担的任务却是对圣经教义的间接诠释。科幻大片《骇客帝国》其实就是一个基督教寓言,用象征性的虚构人物和故事表现了基督教信仰。片中主人公姓名尼奥的英文原名(Neo)和英语中耶稣基督的另一个名字(the One)拼写字母是一样的,他的一生是按照耶稣基督的故事设计的。像耶稣一样,尼奥被选定为人类的救世主;尼奥身边最亲近的人中的一个(西弗尔)为了个人利益背叛了他;尼奥必须做出巨大的牺┥――牺牲自己的生命来换取其他人的幸福。此外,和耶稣一样,尼奥被杀了,但是又复活了,复活以后他有了坚不可摧的不朽身体。







2. 无往不胜的个人英雄主义和美国至上思想






电影作品也可以给学习者提供学习所需的动因,促使他们更加专注于获取所学语言知识的欲望,提高了学习者的学习兴趣和实际运用外语的能力。在接触了大量的语言和文化价值观的交际语素后, 为他们进入真正的交际环境做好了准备。

三、结 语



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[9] 张晶,等。英文电影中“美国梦”的褪色和“中国热”的渗┩福J].电影文学,2009(21).

[10] 张欣,等。美国电影所表达的西方核心文化[J].电影文学,2010(20).

[11] 王庆,杨敏。从三部美国励志影片看“美国梦”的积极意┮澹J].电影文学,2010(20).

[12] 张厚振。从《功夫熊猫》中两个美国梦的实现透析美国文化本质[J].电影文学,2010(04).

[13] 艾琦,杨昕。从美国电影看美国梦的文化内涵[J].宿州学院学报,2010(03).

[14] 姜淑芬。影视教学与学生交际能力的培养[J].外语电化教学,1996(05).

中国梦英语作文 篇四

the past thirty years has vitnessed great changes in china since our government carried out reform and open policy. under the proper leadership of chinese communist party, we chinese are marching on the broad way to a more powerful, more prosperous and more harmonious socialist country, realizing the chinese dream. as far as im concerned, chinese dream is my dream, that is, we are born equal in face of opportunity. to realize the chinese dream, i think, just as premier li said: action speaks louder than words. simultaneously, a series of legal and administrative measures should be reinforced so that everyting shall be done in line with the law. so long as we chinese unite together and continue its reform and open policy, we are sure to overcome all difficulties and the chinese dream will come true in the near future---that is my dream.

中国梦英语作文 篇五

There is a thing, it carries the people's hope that this kind of thing is virtual and real, it can not see, touched, but in the heart to produce a huge force, it is called a dream. God did not give us wings, but gave us the heart and the dream of the brain, so that we have a pair of "invisible wings".

Everyone has a dream, but what is the dream? In fact, the dream is a real thing, only through hard work and pay, and down to earth, you can have a dream, to achieve the dream. And I already have a dream seed deeply rooted in my heart, I want to be a teacher.

In all stages of life, there are many different dreams. Although the dream is different, but the pursuit of the dream of faith, never changed! So many dreams, and not all are achieved, as long as the realization of a enough. When we are in the pursuit of the dream of the process of failure, do not have to sad, as Yang Mengheng said "with action to heal"! To believe, as long as the insistence, always successful. Dreams need to be down to earth, step by step, and stick to every footprint until successful. There is an old saying called "juvenile wisdom is the national wisdom, juvenile strong strong country", indeed so! We carry the future of the motherland, so from now on, we must have at least one dream, and to achieve the dream of struggle!

中国梦英语作文 篇六

【关键词】 《红楼梦》、狭义翻译过程、比较与赏析



伟大不朽的古典现实主义作品《红楼梦》是我国古典小说艺术成就的最高峰。提起我国古典小说《红楼梦》的英译本,大家最熟悉的恐怕就是我国著名翻译家杨宪益和戴乃迭夫妇的合译本《红楼梦》(The Dream of Red Mansions),以及前英国牛津大学教授大卫?霍克斯的《石头记》(The Story of The Stone)。这两种版本的共同之处在于译者们将原书得一百二十回都完整无缺的译出来,不同于其他的节译本或者选译本。两个译本都在中外译坛上名声显赫。杨世昌称杨译本是“目前几个英译本中最完备最正确的译本”,而霍译本也被称为“译文全是流畅的英文”。两个英译本的问世,达到了《红楼梦》翻译活动前所未有的高度。张培基高度赞扬杨译本和霍译本,并称赞它们“是两个值得推荐的英译本,两种新译本的诞生,今后必将为我们翻译界以及外语教学工作提供大量值得借鉴和揣摩的范例”。两个英译本的问世,更是重新激起了翻译界对《红楼梦》翻译的兴趣。


例1.题目 情中情以情感妹妹 错里错以错劝哥哥

杨译本:Moved by Affection,Baoyu Moves His Cousin. A Wrong Report Makes Baochai Wrong Her Brother.

霍译本:A wordless message meets with silent understanding , and a groundless imputation leads to undeserved rebukes.



杨译本:Half sleeping and half waking,he paid only scant attention.But then he left himself shaken and caught the faint sound of sobbing.

霍译本:in his half-dreaming,half-awake state he was having the greatest difficulty in attending to what they were saying,when suddenly he felt someone pushing him and became dimly aware of a sound of weeping in his ear.

在这一句的翻译中,杨译本比霍译本要简洁许多。“宝玉半梦半醒,都不在意。”这句话,杨译本生动又形象。上文提到金钏儿过来哭诉,宝玉半梦半醒之间不理会,杨译本只是简洁了用了pay scant attention这个词组,而霍译本却用了have the greatest difficulty in attending to what they were saying,我认为此处有些赘余了。翻译家叶君健提出“做翻译,要了解原作者的感觉,只能从他的作品的字面上去推测,去领悟字里行间所蕴含的精神和意义。”曹雪芹先生在表达宝玉这种感受时,应该是想表达宝玉在那种半梦半醒、迷迷糊糊、恍恍惚惚的状态之下,不在意周围环境的声音,这一感觉是不自觉的,是生理上的自然状况。没有宝玉的主观能动性在里面。但是霍译本给人的的感觉是,宝玉努力想听清,但因为梦境的打扰,不能听清,霍克斯教授在翻译时掺杂了宝玉的主观性。我觉得这一点和英国人的习惯表达密切先关。西方人在表达自我时,大体都有一种强烈的主观能动性在里面。


杨译本:Daiyu was not crying aloud.She swallowed her tears in silence till she felt as if she would choke .

霍译本:Daiyu’s sobbing had by this time ceased to be audible;But somehow her strangled,silenting weeping was infinitely more pathetic than the most clamorous grief.




中国梦英语作文 篇七

Last night, I and my friends to see the school first class, show is hosted by wang2 xiao3 ya aunt and uncle dena. The show's 2010 theme is "my dream, China dream". They invited to jet li, the grass, jack ma, liu wei, Yang Mengheng, jaycee chan, zhang ziyi and others.

What impressed me most is uncle li, his father died, on business depends on him for the family. He had a lot of dreams, and even once dreamed of going to beihai park watering the flowers. When he was 10 years old, has finally established his fighting for my life's dream, that is to take martial arts champion, uncle li so far have a dream is to see China's tai chi kung fu to foreign countries, but the purpose is very simple, that is to make mother happy. Dena host, said that the . President Richard Nixon has praised li kung fu, and asked him to do the President's private security guards, and said something very touching words: jet li, "I want to be the whole of China billion bodyguards!"

In the guest in the program, I remember wei and Yang Mengheng, they are all armless boy, a distinction, playing the piano with their feet a write with feet to go to the sun yat-sen university. And the grass is a life in the mountains, love to dance big sister, until one day, there was a dance teacher on the mountain to recruit students, her dream was to have the opportunity to achieve.


中国梦英语作文 篇八

Nowadays the topic on Cinese Dream by our Chairman Xi’s speech inspires everyone all over China, especially the students who will enter university to achieve their dreams. I’m so proud that I am the one.


As for my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge. I believe to help others is to help ourselves, and it surely can bring me happiness and pleasure.


To realize my dream, firstly, I must try to work hard from now on. And I must learn as much as possbile so that I can get into a good medical college, where I will prepare myself adequately for the job of a doctor. Senondly, I have to train myself to be more careful, that is the basic to do everything . Finally, believe myself. Because confidence is the key to success. I think only in this way can I accomplish my goal, my Chinese dream.


中国梦英语作文 篇九

Our president Xi first came up with the view chinese the chinese dream,is a constant the history of the Chinese nation 100 years the dream of power and uemitting exploration,shows a picture of the world national revival.

Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream everyone talked enthusiastically about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We all believe that this dream will come true in the future. I also talked about my own dream. I have always wanted to be a only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable realize my dream, I must try to study hard from now on. I must learn as much as I can so that I can become a doctor. Only in this way can I accomplish my goal.

中国梦英语作文 篇十

The motherland, how cordial, how glorious, how the sacred words!

When I was a pupil, the motherland was rooted in the depths of my heart. At that time, the teacher said: "When the Gypsies dragged their team wandering around the world, to meet them is not warm applause and sincere applause, but the world's supercilious. The reason for as long as one, because the gypsy People do not have their own country! "Motherland, resounding words, so deeply branded in my young mind, although I did not really understand the meaning of the motherland, only vaguely determined that the motherland is a person's final The end is the root of a nation.

Gradually, I slowly read the dignity of the motherland and sacred. The motherland in the long history of the river, has long stood the top of the world, the four inventions witness the Chinese nation to promote the process of world civilization. However, our country has experienced a period of indescribable winter for every Chinese who can not forget. The aristocratic war completely destroyed the Qing dynasty, "closed the country, only my own" frivolous ignorance, the motherland fell into the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society abyss, became people see people bullying "East sick man." Turn to the "Chinese modern history" the first chapter, which filled with a word: humiliation. Large tracts of land were ceded, a lot of silver was plundered, a large number of people were sold to overseas reduced to "pig" coolies ... ...

Mr. Lu Xun's poor wisdom of his life, with a pen and ink to awaken the Chinese people on the knife, Premier Zhou in the student era to establish the rise of the Chinese and the study of faith, countless people with lofty ideals for the great rise and revival of the Chinese nation and struggle for life.

However, many young people will own the new hatred of the nation's old hatred, the "May Fourth" youth prostrate, in the blood and tears still shouting the motherland long live forget that moment, the Japanese executioner in Nanjing city grinning raised steel Knife that moment forgotten ... ... students how can we indulge in the pleasure of learning will be destroyed, the future will be destroyed, the rise and fall of the nation after the rise and fall! As young people of the new China, how can we laissez-faire, deserted life of the nation's great cause in disregard? So, in vain for the descendants!

Liang Qichao had pointed out that: juvenile strong, then the country strong; juvenile rich, then the country ri ch; juvenile stands in the world, the country stands in the world! Since ancient times heroes out of juvenile. In today's world of brutal competition, the Chinese young people can shoulder the task of national rejuvenation and washing national shame, directly related to the future of the nation.

Our young people bear the burden of history, and we are determined to be more capable of fulfilling the tasks assigned by the motherland to us. We are glowing youthful. We no longer hide the parents of the wings under the shelter shelter, get rid of the immature to mature. As the arrogant swallow, eager to storm, dare to fight. Today we have to use the passion to ignite the fire of hope, use the youth sweat watering the success of the flower: hard work hard work is our eternal theme, maybe we will suffer setbacks, will fail, but "do not experience how to see rainbow rain "Voyage sailor told us" wind and rain, this pain what, dry tears, do not ask, at least we have a dream. "







奥运会的英语 奥运会的英语作文【优秀111-23



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