保护我 保护环境从我做起英语作文优秀6篇

2024-04-24 17:50:44


保护环境从我做起英语作文 篇一

Once upon a time,there were two little swallows,whose home was a shade of green trees and a happy day,a little swallow said,"let's go to our mother's house and see her." "Yes," said the other little swallow.After a few months,the two little swallows came back,and as they arrived,they were astonished at the sight.Turned out to be workers during their visit mother built a factory,the factory every day with a lot of smoke,smoke billowed from the sky,even the smiling face of the sun was covered.Then a little swallow asked,"what shall we do?" The other little swallow hesitated for a moment and then answered,"go and ask the little grass.I'll go to the sun and ask it." So they flew to the sun,and they flew to the grass.A little swallow flew up to the grass,and said to the grass,"what's the matter with you,little grass?How have you become so yellow?" The grass mournfully said,"those damned human beings,who have been emitting smoke all day long,have made some of our companions dead." Then the little swallow looked up and saw that the river was not so clear,and there was a lot of junk and chemicals floating on the river,and the bodies of many small fish were floating on it.The other little swallow also flew to the sun gong and said to the sun gong,"the sun gong,why didn't you smile as usual?" "The sun gong said helplessly," people are emitting poisonous chemicals all day long.How can I be happy?" "What shall we do?" said the little swallow."We must tell the human beings that we must protect our environment and cherish our common home,the earth," said another

保护环境从我做起英语作文 篇二

We grew up in a happy times,living conditions have made a lot of improvement than before.But the environment around us has suffered severe damage,human homes,earth is facing ecological crisis,if not protect the environment,human will be faced with a major disaster.

In recently listen to TV news said: our capital Beijing area and more dust storms have taken place in the city,these economic developed city almost was huge sand "bury",the oasis is gradually reduced,we human beings that only themselves to blame disorderly cut down trees,destroy the environment,make the soil and water loss.Don't,only the forest into the barren hills,grassland into desert,humans will suddenly realize?

Now the most polluted on earth resources,is the water.River that the original clear float above is full of garbage,plus factory emissions of industrial wastewater,the water is now dark and smelly,passing from the river to wu wear the nose,the fish in the river ah,shrimp had long ago lost.

Just take a look at the sky,is always a grey,which is called the blue sky white clouds,it is grey day ash cloud.Can only look at the moon at night,the stars are gone.See the most is the factory,thick tall a black smoke from the to the streets,often can smell exhaust pollution everywhere around us.

Man is the master of the earth,but also its destroyer,is the final victim.As the owner of the new century,we can't let environment continue to be consciousness is the people should have modern consciousness of the 21st century,in order to in the new century to create a beautiful and pleasant environment,let us take action immediately: save a drop of water,save electricity,once more take a tree...To protect our home together!

保护环境从我做起英语作文 篇三

Mankind has only one earth,it is the natural resource that human beings depend on,and people want to live a happy and beautiful life,they must protect the natural environment consciously and cherish the earth.

However,in recent years,the earth's environment is more and more bad: global warming,hurricane,heavy rain,such as frequent disastrous weather,infectious diseases such as SARS,bird flu,bring serious threat to human life and work and a lot of inconvenience.These are the results of people continually "hurting" the earth.The forest was cut down,the green hills were dug,the beautiful grassland was a desert,the clear water was a turbid less,castle peak bald,grassland drought,water dark and make people living environment deteriorate,breathe the air,living environment "occupied" by many harmful things,the virus will take into the body of people,we human beings will suffer from some terrible diseases.

A few days ago,I read a cartoon in the newspaper: a man sitting on a tree branch was cutting down the branch he was sitting on."Well,that's funny." Some might think so.Don't you think,is this just a funny cartoon?Isn't it ironic?You don't realize that it is warning us that we are destroying our environment and that we are unknowingly harming ourselves.

When you walk down the street,what do you do if you want to spit?If you choose to spit on the ground,do you think you're hurting yourself?One mouthful of sputum contains a lot of germs,and when the sun shines,it multiplies and spreads.Also,when you cut down a tree,when you dig a piece of grass,when you pour the dirt into the river,don't you think it's destroying the environment and "hurting" itself?

The old saying goes: "the forefathers planted trees,the descendants of the generations to cool",the former has given us large swaths of forest,green space,what are we leaving behind?It is a barren desert,or a dense forest,and you must choose a dense forest.Then there is the hesitation,let us all together consciously protect the environment,consciously protect the environment,consciously green environment,improve our living environment,create a bright future!

保护环境从我做起英语作文 篇四

Last weekend,I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the childhood.When I went there,I was shock.The river is no longer like before.It was full of rubbish.It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers themselves.In order to put the rubbish nearer,they put all of them into the only the water is not clean any more,the river also smelt bad.I real touched.Why human and the environment couldn't live harmonious?Long time ago,they could get along with each other.Why not now?People have to stop their behavior to harm the ,it would cause destruction to both sides.

保护环境从我做起英语作文 篇五

There are still many environmental problems in recent of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air,water and soil.The polluted air is very damaging to people's health.Polluted water causes diseases and importantly,the vegetation has been greatly reduced,with the rapid growth of modern cities.

In order to protect the environment,many governments have done a lot of work.Introduced legislation to control air pollution,protect forest resources and Marine resources,and stop any environmental ,therefore,are playing the most important role of environmental protection today.

I think the government must take more concrete measures to protect the envi(www.shubaoc.com)ronment.First,the government should make the people fully aware of the importance of environmental protection through education.Second,more efforts should be made to implement policies on population planning,because more people mean more people mean more pollution.Finally,those who intentionally destroy who should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying the environment means destroying humanity itself.

保护环境从我做起英语作文 篇六

The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.Bird flu and Sars are two typical examples that environmental destruction may threaten our life.Besides,forest destruction ,water and air pollution result in decrease of planting land and unpleasant.




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