my day 英语作文 My Day英语作文优秀5篇

2024-04-09 14:56:00

在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的`记叙方法。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?读书是学习,摘抄是整理,写作是创造,本页是爱岗的小编山仔给家人们整编的5篇my day 英语作文的相关范文,欢迎借鉴。

My Day英语作文 篇一


On August 9th, my aunt and uncle took my sister and I to play at Zhujiajian. We took a car to Zhujiajian.


When we arrived at Zhujiajian, we first went to the hotel to have lunch, then changed into swimsuits and went to the beach to play in the sea.


As soon as we arrived at the beach, we felt a cool wind. We rushed towards each other and cover( our uncles body with sand. I thought it must be very comfortable, so I filled my thighs with sand. As expected, the sand on my thighs was warm and comfortable.


Then we went surfing in the sea, and I ran very far ahead. Every time a small wave came, I always stood firmly here without being washed away by the waves. Then came another big wave, and my feet were firmly stuck in the sand, but I still took several steps back and took a sip of seawater. This seawater is too salty and bitter to drink. When I didnt pay attention and was hit by a big wave on the shore, it was really unbearable


Wave after wave. We played until after six oclock before returning to the hotel.


I feel like this day is unforgettable!

my day英语作文 篇二

My day is busy.In the morningI get up at six.I brush my teeth and put on my clothes.

Then I eat breakfast at half past six.At six fifteen I go to shool.I get toschool at around seveno’clock.Classes begin at half past seven.After have two classesI do sports at nine.And then I play game with my friend.In the afternoonI eat lunch at twelve o’clock.I go shopping in the shop with my sister.School over at ten past four.I go home and get home at around five o’clock.At six o’clockI eat dinner.Then I takea shower and do my homework.At nineI watch TV.I go to bed at around ten o’clock.

My Day英语作文 篇三


My day is colorful, from Saturday morning until after 9 pm, its always fun.


We wake up from around 8 oclock in the morning on Saturdays, and after finishing our meal, its only 9:30. We have breakfast and lunch together, which is really delicious. We have bean sprouts, stir fried pork with cabbage, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, After finishing my meal, I went to do my school homework for a while. It was in the morning.


Its noon, and I have to go to an extracurricular interest class again. The extracurricular class is from 2:30 to 5:30, and there are many red lights on the way. Im afraid of being late, so I finally arrived. Fortunately, I wasnt late at that time. It was 2:28, and I got off the car and immediately ran to the class. After arriving at class, the teacher asked us to draw Qing Dynasty clothes. The teacher explained how Qing Dynasty clothes were painted, and after a long time, I finally understood. I started drawing. At first, I thought it was difficult, but later on, I became more and more proficient. After drawing, I was put in class by the teacher. Because good paintings will be placed in the class by the teacher.


In the afternoon, my mother came to pick me up. When I saw someone behind the car, that was my cousin. She was coming to our house to sleep, so I went home and played for a while. I had dinner, watched TV for a while, and then went to sleep.


This is my day, its wonderful, isnt it.

my day英语作文 篇四

My school day is vey busy.

There are 6 classes in a day4 in the morning and 2 in the the morning i have ChinesemathEnglish and history classI like English and history class very much because they are interesting.but I don't like math class.becase its very the afternoon i have music and PE class.i like PE best.because its my favorite subject.its very exciting 。

this is my school day.its busy but i fell happy.

Myday教案 篇五


7A Unit 2

课时 1 Welce t the unit

课题: 7A Unit2课时:10 Checut




2. 对本单元所学活动方式进行总结

3. 掌握词汇:answer questin clever 词组:the answer t ……



1Wh ___________(l)after u when ur parentsare ut?

2. Mar lves ___________(chat) with us at lunchtie.

3. __________(she) favurite lessn is Engllish.

4. Mu sas that we shuld’nt watch t __________(多)TV.

5. This pair f shes ____________(atch)her new cats ver uch

6. What tie _______the first class__________(begin)in ur schl?


1. We alwas _____________.

A. have fun B. has a gd tie C en us D en urself

题解:选A. ‘玩的。开心’有三种表达(1)have fun (2)have a gd tie (3)eni neself。 句中的主语为we,所有应用have a gd tie ,因此可先排除B。. C,D 两项都用了第三种表达,但是en的宾语应用反身代词urselves而非us或urself。

2. I frgt ______the dr ,s it is still pen.

A,clse B. pen C. t clse D. clsing

题解:选C。动词frget后可跟动名词或动词不定式。frget ding sething意为“忘记已做过某事”;frget t d sething意为“忘记要做某事”(此事还未做)。根据题干后半句“门仍然开着”,说明是“忘记去关门”,故应用frget t d sth. 。



1. 住在北京__________ 2. . 约会___________________

3. 带他散步__________ 4. 在7年级1班___________

5. 许多朋友__________ 6. 谈论___________________

7. 每次午饭时间_____________ 8. 有许多时间做某事_______

9. 把他们发送给---__________ 10. 和他的朋友们交谈________

四。 课后拓展延伸


1. Se cats ust dn’t nw hw _______ a gd tie.

A. have B. t have C. has D. having

2. He spends an hur________usic ever da.

A,listen B. listening t C. listen t D. hearing

3. Can u nw the answer ____the exercises?

A. t B. fr C. with D. f

4. It’s tie fr class________ .

A. begin B. beginning C. t begin D. begins

5. -----What des ur ther d after wr ?

-----She ften _______her gd friends. .

A. sa with B. sas C. tal t D. tals t

6. ----------u pla ftball ver well!


A. Nt at all B. That’s O C. Than u D. N,I’ nt gd

7. A is best friend . We alwas have ____tgether.

A . a fun B. fun C. funs D. funn

8. I alwas tals t i at lunchtie . He is ___friend .

A. well B. fine C best D better

9. ____ur sister _____her hewr at 7:00 ever da ?

A. D ; d B Des; des C . Des ; d D . D; des

10. I lie chatting _____ friend ______the phne.

A. with ; n B. with ; with C. t ; with D. t ; n

11. It is tie _______________.

A. getting up B. get up C. fr get up D. t get up

12. I’d lie ______right nw?

A. g shpping B. t g shpping C. ging shpping D. t shpping

13. I spend tw hurs ______ hewr ever da

A. d B. des C. ding D. t d






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