梦想英语 关于梦想的英语作文(优秀6篇)

2024-02-14 23:14:07


我的梦想英语作文带翻译 篇一

Every one of us should have their own different ideal, dream, however, some people own ideal, dream to strive, to struggle. Until the ideal and dream come true. And some others only dream, just like dreaming, don"t go for his own ideal, dream to strive, to struggle!

I think I"m not in my dream and dream t slow, don"t work hard, not to struggle. But the ideals and dreams is helpful to our growth. It can make people work hard, work hard to learn, that is the ideal and the dream is power! Encourages people to go forward, forward, forward!

So every one of us to have an ideal and dreams, only the sample, we can constantly progress, progress, and progress. ! If we don"t have ideal and dream, our life will become very boring, no sense, that is to say, you can pack up and go to dead.

So every one of us should have an ideal and dream!!

Especially in today"s society, we should have a more ideal, a dream, otherwise can"t from this in such a competitive society, have a gd position.

I think I said well, also is very gd.







我的梦想英语作文带翻译 篇二

I have many dreams.For example,I want to be rich in the future. Therefore I can buy all what I want.

But my greatest dream is that I want to be an football player.And I want to lead the Chinese team won the World Cup Our country develops fast and our sport make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore I want to be one of this amazing area.

In order to make my dream come true I must study hard now. I hope my dream can come true one day.




我的梦想英语作文带翻译 篇三

When I was a naughty boy,may be because of the influence of the film."Xiao Bing Zhang Ga",my dream was to be a soldier just like Zhang Ga. I thought if I was a soldier,I should be able to swim,ze and climb trees as he did. It seemed to be very wonderful. So I began to learn swimming,zing and climbing trees. I practiced every day and finally I could do them well. But when I entered junior high school and had the military training. I suddenly found that being a soldier was very difficult and I wasn't strong enough to bear it 。 I had to give my dream up.

But I wasn't discouraged,and I had new aim,which was to be a postman,or rather to be a newspaper boy. As a newspaper boy. I could speed along streets on a bike and throw newspapers onto every porch. That's also very cool. So I started learning to ride a bicycle. After the everyday practice,I could go very fast by bicycle. But to my disappointment,the job which I wanted only existed in western counties not in China,because there was no porch in China. And Chinese postmen had to stuff very thick newspapers into very small mailboxes from very narrow entrances. The job was far from what I had expected. So once again my dream fell through.

Perhaps you have had the same experience as I and most of your dreams haven't come true yet. But I think it doesn't matter,because if you have a dream,you'll make many efforts to realize it. This course is really important. If I hadn't dreamt of being a soldier or a newspaper boy. I wouldn't have learned to swim,to ze,to climb trees or to ride a bicycle. Even if our dream can't come true,you'll learn much from the efforts you have made. So what I want to tell us is that dream helps us to grow up and teaches us how to control our lives 。 It is dream that gives us power and makes our lives colorful




梦想英语演讲稿 篇四





if, say, ideal is a boat to successful, so, ill take good rudder.





我知道我的梦想实现不是那么容易。 张海迪阿姨有次说过:“每个人的生活是一艘船,理想就是船帆。”假如说理想是驶向成功的船,我将要掌好船舵。


梦想英语演讲稿 篇五

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

Five score years ago,a great american,in whose symbolic shadow we stand today,signed the emancipation proclamation. this momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. it came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

But one hundred years later,the negro still is not free. one hundred years later,the life of the negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. one hundred years later,the negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. one hundred years later,the negro is still languished in the corners of american society and finds himself an exile in his own land. and so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. when the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the constitution and the declaration of independence,they were signing a promissory note to which every american was to fall heir. this note was a promise that all men,yes,black men as well as white men,would be guaranteed the "unalienable rights" of "life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness." it is obvious today that america has defaulted on this promissory note,insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. instead of honoring this sacred obligation,america has given the negro people a bad check,a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

我的梦想英语作文带翻译 篇六

Everyone has his own ideal, I also have their own ideal, this ideal, like a destination, waiting for you to; This ideal, is a peak, waiting for you to climb.

Since the childhd I had many ideal, or naive or funny, more whimsical unrealistic, but every ideal is I at the beginning, the bottom of my heart the most sincere act, has been accompanied by I walk long or short for a long time. Now think of, also have a beautiful memory. Medicine with its own unique charm to attract me, it has a unique significance: the patient back from the disease, back from death. Ideal became doctors had never wavered in my heart, because I believe it won"t leave me, painstakingly pursue it will let me bathed in the sunlight. Whenever see dad open prescriptions, whenever see out of dad"s clinic in the healing of patients, time always remind me: my ideal is far from me, there will be many obstacles on the road, step on the gas! Through these tough! Toward my ideal!

Ideal is a big dipper in the sky, to trek directions; Ideal is the beacon, light homing shore road! Ideal is fire, lit my ideal male-male fire!








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