家规英语作文 以家规为话题的英语作文【优秀6篇】

2024-02-03 22:57:25


以家规为题的英语作文 篇一

I am a middle school student.My parents are very strict with me.I have to get up at 6:00 a.m. every day.

I have to do sports four times a week.I am not allowed to watch TV or play computer games on school days.I must go to bed before 9:00 p.m. What's more,I have to clean the room every weekend by hand.

What a terrible life!

家规英语作文 篇二

As the saying goes, "no rules, no boundaries." The state law, the family has the family rule. Because of family rules, I grew up a lot.

"Alas! Don't want to write, good trouble!" "Oh, I don't want to memorize it, it's hard to remember!" This was once my mantra, and the family rules helped me overcome this inertia. Article 3 of the house rules; Your laziness will cause you regret today. I was initially unconcerned, laziness is a human nature, not overcome and not how. However, the beginning of the language examination came. "Please fill out the following sentences, one drum -- and three --." That's it, I thought. The exam seems to be a dead letter to me. It seems like there's a word for it, or else it's just like the memory of it.

After the exam, I walked on the way home, the cold wind greeted me, the hat was swept away, the exposed ears red. I had just squatted down to pick up my hat, but a gust of wind blew it further. "You damned wind, even you dare, dare, laugh at me, you!" The wind, however, seemed to corrode my words, and to blow them away, and make my clothes sound.

I suddenly found a vent, unable to restrain, "ao" ground, wailing. I don't remember how I got home, but I've copied the rule fifty times. I put it on the door, let it remind me, and spurred me to realize that laziness means failure, ridicule, and defeat. Since then, I have never missed a famous sentence.

Family planning has helped me to improve procrastination. Family rule no. 13: efficiency gains success. Before, I always liked to drag things to the end, but later, the family rules made me realize that things need quality and speed. I set a time limit for everything, and there will be a corresponding punishment when the time is not completed. Instead, the efficiency will be rewarded. After a week or so, the efficiency of my work improved significantly.

Now I am like a building that has not been finished, the foundations are shallow, and the rules of the house, like steel, hold me firmly in place to make the foundation secure. No solid foundation, no matter how high in the luxurious building, in the face of earthquake will collapse in a flash. And I, as long as the control of good housekeeping, practice, to develop good quality and practice people's habits, will be in the present and even future success.

Practice the family rules, for the sake of your own growth, in order to live up to the expectations of parents, in order to inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, let us act! House rule, promote long!

以家规为话题作文 篇三


家风是一个家庭在世代传承中形成的一种较为稳定的道德规范、传统习惯、为人之道、生活作风和生活方式的总和,它首先体现的是道德的力量。注重家风建设是我国历史上众多志士仁人的立家之本。从古至今,颜之推《颜氏家训》、诸葛亮《诫子书》、周怡《勉谕儿辈》、朱子《治家格言》、《曾国藩家书》、《傅雷家书》等等都在民间广为流传,闪烁着良好家风的思想光芒。历史上的“孟母三迁”“岳母刺字” 等等,同样展现着良好的家风。“非淡澹无以明志、非宁静无以致远”“常将有日思无日、莫待无时思有时”“莫贪意外之财、莫饮过量之酒”等教子中的古训至今为世人尊崇。好的家风不但对自己有利、对子女和家人有利,也逐步影响着大众的道德水平与社会的风气。




家规英语作文 篇四

There is a rule that, in the course of the journey of life, it is insignificant, but it gives a person a life's fate, and that is the rule.

Personal growth needs guidance, and family planning is the direction of guidance. Hu shi, a famous scholar, poet and writer in our country, is a case in point: hu shi's father died when he was young, and his family was in a bad mood at the same time. Hu shi's ultimate success was his mother, feng shundi, who was more of a strict family rule. His mother's family rules were strict with hu shi, urging him to learn and cultivate moral character, which brought about profound influence on his life. It can be said that hu shi's success is inseparable from family rules.

Mo yan, the name of this great man is no stranger to us. His success also depends on family rules. Mo yan's family is just as bad as hu shi's, but since he was a child, the rules of integrity have been in his mind all the time. When he was a child, mo yan and his mother were in a hurry to sell the cabbage, and in the face of the old lady, mo yan was not in the mood to pay a dime. At the time of mo yan's home, how important cabbage is, how important a dime! However, the mother who discovered the truth still asked him seriously according to the family rules, and returned the cabbage.

Since grown, mo yan, understand the importance of honesty and trustworthiness, do things to be a disinterested, finally wrote and he himself also excellent literary works, received praise respect of countless people. The importance of family planning is also reflected here.

Ask, if there is no home rule, does hu shi really do not imitate the eldest brother eldest sister-in-law, finally slide into the abyss of depraved? If there is no home rule, mo yan really will not be wrong, a wrong to the end, to do more evil things?

Wang anshi's child prodigy fang zhongyong, gifted and intelligent, five years old can not learn but can be poetry. His father, however, was greedy for small profits, and took his son everywhere to visit his guests every day, without creating a learning environment for him. Fang zhongyong finally "the people are all over", isn't it not to get good family rules education?

At the beginning of the three words: "the beginning of man, the good of nature." People are always kind when they are born, but the atmosphere in the family environment will affect children subtly, so there is a saying that "I don't know what my son looks like"。

Mencius said, "no rules, no boundaries." Therefore, we should understand the importance of family rules, actively abide by the rules and strict requirements. Because the family rules not only allow us to form a useful character, but also promote our growth.

家规的英语作文 篇五

There are many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o'clock and be home at 6:30pm.I have to finish my homework after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights. I have to stay at home on school nights . Also,I have to do some housework.

My parents don’t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because they think teenagers may let their friend talk them into doing bad things . I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch TV at night ,although it is good for me ,I think it is a good way to have a rest . Though I don’t agree with some ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules.

以家规为话题写作文 篇六

家庭是圃,孩子是苗。家风如雨点,它随风潜入夜,润物细无声,小苗只有在雨露的滋润下,才能健康成长。孩子只有在优良家风的熏陶下,才能出类拔萃。最近,随着 家风 一词火了起来,脑海中不禁涌现出爷爷奶奶教育我的一幅幅景象。

小时候,每次上学校之前,奶奶总爱叮嘱我几句: 孩子,到学校千万别和同学磨牙(亳州俗语,指吵架或打架),如果有人欺负你,就回来跟我说,我去找你们老师。 !奶奶生怕我在学校和同学发生矛盾,老是有事没事给我上 政治课 ,讲一些经典的故事,教育我遇事要宽宏大量,在学校要和老师、同学和睦相处,不要动不动就和其他人发生冲突。在奶奶的谆谆教诲之下,我基本上没有和老师、同学发生过矛盾。

爷爷爱给我讲很多关于他当年服兵役的经历,告诫我: 现在的年轻人没有几个能吃苦耐劳的。你要从小学会能吃苦,否则不能干成什么大事! 爷爷还教导我: 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。 只有经历了常人所不能忍受的环境,才能造就真正的人才,今后的工作和生活方可出类拔萃。也许这就是 天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤 ,我想。








My Spring Festival英语作文优秀3篇02-03




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