found 英语作文Found【优秀5篇】

2023-12-01 08:24:21


英语作文Found 篇一

"Wow, do you grow your own flowers? Its beautiful."

"No, theyre fake flowers, but theyre really pretty."

"Then Im going to buy one to keep at home."

For a long time, many people come to our house and think that this fake rose is real, I am very confused, why?

There are roses on the platform of Grandmas house, and I took a fake rose from home to go to their house this weekend.

False rose and real rose than, the c( is not so gorgeous, real rose petals from outside to inside many different colors, composed of gradient color, very beautiful; Can be false flowers all petals have only one color, that is, big red, rare petals close there, appear very cold; The real flower is not the same, the dense petals bloom, showing the nobility of the king in the flower. There is such a big difference between the true and false roses, why do the guests who come to my home always get it wrong? I am puzzled.

Back home, I was still thinking about this problem, went to ask my mother, mother said: "You put the flowers back in the vase, and then stand a little farther to see." According to my mothers requirements, I stood a little further away and looked at it carefully. The sunlight outside shone on the flowers, and the flowers seemed to bloom the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple... Seeing this scene, I was stunned, and looked at my mother, she said: "Because its workmanship is more exquisite, so, from a distance, this whole pot of flowers is very beautiful, even better than the real roses."

I nodded, delighted at the knowledge of a strange discovery.

英语作文Found 篇二

One day, my good friend Deng Jiaqi was playing among the flowers and found a little bee. Its size is very small, with black and white stripes, a small thorn at the tail, and a pair of transparent wings that are always flapping.

Seeing the bee, we both began to watch its movements carefully. We found that the diligent bees kept flying around to collect honey, and it stayed on the flowers for a while, and we could almost smell the honey. I asked, "Deng Jiaqi, how do bees make honey?" Deng Jiaqi told me, "Use your tongue! Her tongue is long, as thin as a straw."

Suddenly, I felt as if I were a little bee, "buzzing", carrying a small iron bucket, flying to a flower, using my tongue to put the pollen into the bucket, flying back to the hive to begin making honey. Honey brew good, I tasted, "so sweet ah!" I said. After a while, I woke up to know that I was not a small bee, I was observing the small bee!

Then I began to observe the little bees and did an experiment. First, I poured a small bottle of capped water over the flowers to see how the bees would react. He first picked a small petal, then shook the water off, and began to gather honey again. I brought a telescope and saw that the water had burned the powder, but it still persisted, not the first time, again, not the second time, again.

How hard-working bees are! It takes honey as its most important work, and diligently, never complain, we have to learn from it.

英语作文Found 篇三

Qingming Festival when the school put three days off, can make me happy, my mother said to take us out to play, I was happy to jump up and down on the bed, after a long journey finally reached the destination, I found a magical animal there.

A get off, I feel some mosquitoes flying beside me, I originally wanted to get off to stretch, breathe fresh air, the results of these mosquitoes disrupted all my ideas, I waved, drive away these uninvited guests, but still can not drive away their enthusiasm for me. I wanted to swat one to get rid of the gas, but as I was about to do so I realized that it didnt look like a mosquito, and when I tried to get a good look at them, they were scared away by me. After lunch, I went outside to look for this group of "mosquitoes", sure enough, I found them on a stump, I hurried to call my father to ask: "Dad, what is this in the end?" "You see, this is like ants?" Dad prompted me. Yes, it looks like ants, but why does it have wings?

After returning home, my father gave me the information about flying ants, I do not understand why my father to search this, inexplicably looked at. Ygghh! Isnt the picture above a flying ant? Looking further down, I learned that flying ants are pests. I think the industrious, united ants, long wings how to become pests! It seems that one cannot tell ones nature by ones appearance.

英语作文Found 篇四

My family recently raised a lovely dog, grandma named it "Want Wang". In the contact with "Want want", I found its little secret, that is, it is actually very human oh. When Wangwang was just brought back, he always looked at everyone at home with a pair of "scared" eyes. I tried to get close to it several times, and it fled far away, until the next day, it felt that I had no harm to it as a little master, and it came closer to me little by little. Gradually it grew bolder, just walked up to me, licked my hand. I looked at its lovely appearance, involuntarily picked it up and turned round and round.

From then on, whenever I get home, it will follow me everywhere. One day, when I went home, it came to the intersection to meet me, I was happy to jump three feet high. But as soon as he entered the house and saw Grandma, he hurriedly hid. Grandma told me that it was because two days ago, it stole to eat the chicken was found by grandma, grandma hard "lesson" it a meal, it holds a grudge, these two days have been afraid to approach the chicken, but also ignore the grandma. After listening to grandmas words, I could not help laughing, originally, "Want want" can also pass humanity, know who can be close, know that a mistake to be beaten. "Want Wang" heard my laughter, and shyly drooped his head. I found the secret of "Want want", that is, it is very human! Since the "want want" of a small animal is all about humanity, then we should be more about humanity and be a kind person.

英语作文Found 篇五

Today, the teacher assigned a strange homework - try to pinch a raw egg, see this egg will break? The students are talking about it. I was also very confused, and as soon as I got home, I began to do experiments.

I first took out two cold raw eggs from the refrigerator, and after washing them, the eggs became shiny, as if to say: "Pinch me!" I looked at the round egg and thought, "I will crush you to pieces!" So, without saying a word, I picked up an egg and squeezed it desperately in the palm of my hand. Suddenly frown, chin help bulge, I can not help but force "ah" a sound, thought the egg will fall apart, did not expect a crack, which makes me very surprised!

Unconvinced I let my mother pinch the same egg. Mother did not dare to force the egg, for fear that the egg would suddenly break and frighten her. I cheered her on. After a long time, she began to pinch the egg with great effort, but her face turned red and she did not succeed. Even my mother cant break a small egg, which makes me more curious!

So, I looked up the information on the Internet and suddenly realized: Originally, although the shell of the egg is thin and not flexible, but because it is oval, the power can be evenly dispersed to every place, so that the power of the hand is almost completely offset, so that each part of the force is very small, naturally can not be crushed.

Science is everywhere! This interesting discovery made me very happy!












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