万能英语作文 英语作文 英语作文万能实用优秀6篇

2023-09-29 08:39:43

在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是书包范文为小伙伴们精心整编的英语作文 英语作文万能实用优秀6篇,希望能够对朋友们的写作有一点启发。

英语作文 英语作文万能 篇一

spring festival is the most grand and grand festival of the year. one to the spring festival, the streets are crowded with people, men, women, old and young face with a smile, enjoy the happiness of the holiday.

have a reunion dinner! reunion dinner is to eat reunion, happiness. i quickly ran to the table, wow! " delicacies"! sweet and delicious chicken, there is a symbol of reunion of the lantern festival, there is a symbol of more than a year of fish, and a symbol of rising rice cakes. we raise our glasses and speak our blessings and wishes.

after our family had a reunion dinner, we watched the spring festival gala on time around the tv, and we watched it with relish. the party 's program is colorful: crosstalk, sketch let 's laugh; singing and dancing let 's follow the singing and dancing; magic and acrobatics make us applaud. the party reached its climax, " when ..." twelve o' clock struck, and a new year was coming. i secretly make a wish, i hope that in the new year my grades can go further.

look, it 's a world of fireworks. outside the window is a fire tree honeysuckle, particularly gorgeous. look at the beautiful fireworks! some like " fairy scattered flowers", some like" big red flowers", some like " stars" all over the sky, some like" dance" ... how like " air garden"! these fireworks make people can 't see, the sky dotted with colorful.

i like the new year. spring festival couplets can be posted on the new year; can see " spring festival gala" can enjoy fireworks ... the most important thing is to share happiness with you. it feels good to celebrate the new year!


英语作文之新年 篇45

英语作文 英语作文万能 篇二

not to mention the bright lantern festival, happy labor day, happy national day, busy arbor day, dragon boat festival to commemorate qu yuan, is a spring festival alone there are countless.

do not know when, the naughty lantern will jump to the door, probably don't want to miss that gorgeous fireworks! just walked to the door, and saw that the couplet of the gold and shining gold and shining gold phnom penh on the two sides of the gate of the gate, should be in the more than who has the literary works!

inadvertently, the spring festival with lightsome pace, brisk walking to us, also i in the dream, in the morning is dumpling seductive fragrance to wake up, i quickly wear good clothes, so there really is a plate of white fat dumplings at the dinner table, my three times five spanided by two is destroyed several, the tender and sour garlic sprout, fresh meat, and the warmth of family reunion, the dip in the happiness with lace on the more thick, it echoed with deep affection in my mouth, for a long time can't dispersed, i revel in the happiness!

snow outside the window is very beautiful, everywhere is white and look, the garden, the fields, roads are freely as your eyes, the red lantern, couplet, and everyone down, more added a new flavor, at night, firecrackers, and fireworks sound one by one, colorful fireworks pattern in the sky of elegantly beautiful, let a person too many things to see.

"xu yao is coming, the spring festival gala is beginning," the mother's call, our whole family have come to the tv before the same, that each one of the special programs to make a feast for the eyes.

spring festival is very good, there are good things to eat, there are good things to play, it is only 365 days from the next spring festival.


英语作文之新年 篇22

英语作文 英语作文万能篇 篇三

this summer holiday i went to changsha, my parents were working life there was wonderful.

there i made several new friends,they took me to the park ,the supermarket,the zoo and so most interesting thing was dancing together with many grannies and grandpas in the park every evening.i think , one day when my grandparents come to changsha ,i will teach them to dance in the friends in changsha were all clever,but not like us children in the villiage,they all don't know how to climb 's funny.

my parents were busy all day,only in weekend they had time to play with it doesn't matter,i know they must work hard to earn i will study hard ,too.

in a word ,this summer holiday is cool.






英语作文之暑假 篇37

英语作文 英语作文万能篇 篇四

i went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. i liked green plants, clear rivers lovely amimals there.

i breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes i went swimming in the river. i kept a diary every day.

i liked not the scene of the countryside, also the people there. i helped them to do farm work. i also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. the children were interested in english.

they were good at reading writing, did not do well in listening speaking. i helped them improve their listening speaking.

their parents thought highly of me.

i realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.


英语作文之暑假 篇10

英语作文 英语作文万能 篇五

today is the new year's eve. my mother and i had a good sleep. when i got up from bed, i found it was already 12 noon. after dinner, my mother and i cleaned the room together.

the room is too big. i have to wipe the floor for one or two hours. i'm almost exhausted. mother didn't rest either. she cleaned up her clothes, put them in the wardrobe, dumped the garbage, and then wiped the kitchen table clean. after we cleaned the room, my mother carefully took out the window flower she bought, spread the glue evenly, and then fixed one end with her hand, and then pasted the window flower with the other hand, then compacted it, and the beautiful window flower was pasted.

the house was cleaned and arranged. my mother and i were relieved. we sat on the sofa and drank tea for a while. suddenly, my mother said, "it's almost time. we need to go to grandma as soon as possible." i looked at my watch and found it was nearly six o'clock after five. so we hurriedly put on our coats and shoes, got on my mother's car and drove to grandma.

about fifteen minutes later, my mother and i came to my grandmother's house. as soon as we entered the door, we heard my two sisters, sister gu chao and sister cui jingran, welcoming us. of course, we also saw my aunt and father, grandmother and grandpa. everyone was busy preparing for tonight. i went into the inner room and saw my aunt and her baby - lele. lele was very happy today. she saw me and called me "sister".

how time flies! it's time for dinner in a flash. from the beginning, cui jingran. gu chao. let me say a toast to you first. after that, we will raise our glasses and clink our glasses together.

after eating the delicious food, we went to fire again, and finally we played cards again. i also won some money.

this year, i have a very happy new year, and i wish you all a better study in the coming year!


英语作文之新年 篇38

英语作文 英语作文万能篇 篇六

summer holiday is coming.i am going to do many things that i want to do. for exampie,first i will jion a soccer club,because i like playing soccer.

during the summer holiday, i want to practice more to improve my i will go to my grandma's house,because i miss her very much.i want to stay with her for several days.

last i will help my mother do some housework.

she was really tired when i was go to school.

except for taking care of me, she also has to work. therefore, i want to help her in the will you do on summer holiday?


英语作文之暑假 篇8





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