6级作文 大学英语六级作文范文 大学英语六级作文范文10篇【优秀6篇】

2023-05-21 20:15:17

在大学英语六级的考试中,写作也是占了很大的比重,书包范文为小伙伴们精心整理了大学英语六级作文范文 大学英语六级作文范文10篇【优秀6篇】,希望能够给朋友们的写作带来一些的启发。

大学英语六级作文 篇一

Should College Students Live Alone off Campus or Living with Roommates on Campus?





Should College Students Live Alone off Campus or Living with Roommates on Campus?

As adults, college students are responsible individuals capable of sensible and independent judgments and decisions。 Living on or off campus is really a matter of personal choice and different students can make their decisions that best accord with their individual needs。

Over the years, as many Chinese families become financially well—off, they can afford their sons and daughters better—equipped apartments off campus。 In the rented accommodation, a student enjoys greater personal freedoma more tranquil environment in which they can concentrate on their studies and greater privacy with which they can associate with their friends, including their boyfriends or girlfriends。 Those are all unalienable human rights guaranteed by the Constitution。 As long as those students behave within legal boundaries and their off—campus life does not affect their academic performance as students, there is no reason why college students should not live off campus。

However, living off campus does pose problems。 A student living alone may incur greater personal risks。 With less time to mix with classmates, he or she will be less competent as a team player。 Having to spend much time traveling to the campus, the student will have serious challenges to be punctual for classes。 Finally, without their independent income, most students will certainly increase financial burdens on their parents。 Therefore, any students with serious intentions to live off campus should really have serious thoughts about those issues before they actually make their choices。

有关大学英语六级作文 篇二



















安全第一 , 在工业生产中,安全要摆在第一位,是至关重要的!这是每个老师给我们的第一忠告。有了足够的重视,所以我安全的度过了实习的两周!车工不是由数控来完成的,它要求较高的手工操作能力。





大学英语六级作文 篇三

Directions: Self-help TVaveling





Self-help Traveling

More and more college students choose self-help trayelijig rather than arranged tours when they plan to travel. The reason inay be that by ananging the route, booking cheaper hotels and taking cheaper transportation means 2.W by themselves, they can save a lot of money.

Convenient and economical as self-help traveling sounds, it still has some potential problems Perhaps the most important one is the safety hazard. Being alone without a group or a tour guide, a traveler may be helpless in face of danger, i.e. robbery, wild animal attacks, etc. In addition, they are more Eikely to be at risk of getting lost when traveling alone in a strange city or in the remote countryside.

In my view, self-help traveling can be exciting and challenging which is worth trying. However, before setting out alone on a tour, travelers should make good preparations. Besides, they should hear security in mind all the time and keep ia touch with their friends or relatives. By doing soa they can enjoy the pleasure of exploring a strange city safe and sound.

大学英语六级作文 篇四


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write acomposition of no less than 150 words on the topic Whether CollegeStudents Should Be Allowed to Get Married and youre your article onthe following outline.

1、 Choose either of the two positions: College students should be allowed to get married.

2、 State your reasons for or against the issue

3、 Conclusion

Should College Students Be Allowed to Get Married?

There isno denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today whethercollege students should be allowed to get married. Some time ago, theban was lifted by some universities on students getting married. Tothis peoples attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view.They say that most college students are adults and that it is a basicright for those who have reached the appropriate ages to get married.Besides, they argue that with their biological and emotional needs met,these students will study better. The ban on this means a severeviolation of human rights.

Many others, however, hold the negative opposite view. Theyclaim that the university or college is a place to study instead of acommunity to lead family life. Allowing college students to get marriedwould adversely affect their study. For instance, they would spend toomuch time attending their family and love, unable to concentrate ontheir school work.

英语六级作文 篇五

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Immoral Behaviors in Public. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

1、 我们经常在公共场合见到各种不文明的行为,叙述你的一次相关经历;

2、 这些不文明行为会有哪些影响;

3、 我们应该怎样改善这种现象。

Immoral Behaviors in Public

We have all seen or experienced it before---those inappropriate and often unsanitary actions which disgust and annoy most cultured people in society. Spitting, littering, peeing in public - all these and others fall into this category. I personally had the embarrassing experience one late night of seeing a man peeing alongside the river. He was not embarrassed at all.

Such inappropriate public behavior has a terrible effect on society. For one thing, most unsanitary behavior can spread germs and diseases to the general public. For another, they contribute to the pollution of the environment and show little or no consideration for the environment.

We must take steps as a society to improve this situation. Our government should sponsorpublic announcements and advertisements to emphasize the cultural inappropriateness of this kind of behaviors. Our schools and teachers should teach and enforce acceptable standards for all students. And in t m.haozuowen.net he home, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles should all work together to teach the children what is right by example.

大学英语六级作文 篇六


1、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend)。 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。

"It is high time" 打头,为该句增色。注:that 后跟虚拟语气,后跟动词的一般过去式,表示“是某人做……的时候了”或者“是某人不做……的时候了”

2、It is time to take the advice of 。.。 and to put special emphasis on the improvement of 。.。 该是采纳……的建议,并对……的进展给予非常重视的时候了。

去掉一个"high",画风完全不一样,不用过去式,只需用"to do"来替代。

3、There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of 。.。 毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

"there is no doubt that"+被动还是蛮经典的组合。

4、Obviously,。.。. If we want to do something.。. , it is essential that.。. 显然,如果我们想做某事,我们需要……

这句有些老生常谈,稍微不“常”的就是"essential" 替代了"important"。

5、Only in this way can we.。. 只有这样,我们才能。.。


6、It must be realized that.。. 我们必须意识到。.。

把人人都会的'"I realized"升格为被动语态,省略了主语,监考老师绝对会眼前一亮的!












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