女权 女权话题作文高三8篇

2022-08-10 12:32:23


女权话题作文高三作文 篇一










女权的英语作文 篇二

Women are not equal with men

After women have made great strides for their rights,leaders gradually realized the necessity to achieve the equality of men and women and as well increasingly countries has put the principle of equality into practice.women are no longer being oppressed at the the bottom of society and even have equal opportunity to rise to leadership positions.however,gender discrimination still exist in insidious form today.

Women and men may not dealt with in many field especially in the job market with female graduates affected the most.The figure indicates that more than 90 percent of female students experience gender discrimination in the force labour,while more than 40 percent of believe it is harder for women to get an offer than men. “men only”signs appeared frequently on recruit company,women are are refused by their image of delicate and lack of independent as people considered.So that women always lose many chances in choosing favorable job. Additionally , for same work,women receive lower payment at their job than men. Another statistic shows that women represent 50 percent of middle management and professional positions but the percentages of women at the top of organizations represent not even a third of that number which can not but arouse our thinking why do we have so few women leaderThat’s recessive gender discrimination.In the absence of gender discrimination stress patriarchal society,in order to realize their own value,women must pay double or even several times effort than men.

Finally,the ideas that son preference and discrimination against girls took strong root since ancient time,every family continues to have children until they have a boy,if they have a girl,they would like to have another child.Killed,aborted or neglected,at least 100 million girls have disappeared and the number is rising. As we can see from above analysis,women still encounter discrimination or unfair treatment in many achieve the “equality of men and women”We still have a long way to go.

女权的英语作文 篇三

n allegiant follower of women' s rights?

since the time god created adam and eve, women and men,with different body structure and distinct characteristics, are regarded as two totally different groups in the world.from that time, our ancestors have never felt suspicious of this established fact. modern women, however, with highly developed intellect,tend to distrust the truth held for thousands of years. believe it or not, a friend of mine is such a girl who always pretends to be an allegiant follower of women's rights.

such things happen that she always goes into raptures at the mere mention of women's rights. she has a big heap of theories of her own to teach those naive girls in the dorm. though she often etols the virtue of being independent, having no marriage,having no children, or even never trusting men's words, she has never put it into practice up to now.what's more ridiculous,she was propagating her forever-correct ideas last minute, while she is meeting her beloved boyfriend this minute and never tired of meeting those new handsome guys. when we laughed at her for her unworkable theories, she always laughed like a drain, "i love guys, but i don't trust them.what i am doing is to earn the same opportunity of having fun of love as men always do,"she added every time, "eperience is the best way to protect yourself from those bad guys!" this doesn't surprise me any more for the real equality with men is not like this.

in my opinion, real advocators of women rights never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.they disregard those old social rules of women and men without being aware that they've really done something to bridge the inequality with men. compared with those women like who has been mentioned above, they have a strong inner desire to pursue the same opportunity as men have. unlike girls who lay great emphasis on taking advantage of cosmetics and fashionable dressing, they spent much more time in learning, reading and perfecting themselves.they've been conscious that without a perfect performance capability and advanced skills in the field of what they are working,the equal opportunities won't fall down from the heaven. besides this, they also involve themselves in such activities as discussions, seminars, forums and mass media to make the society and men know them well. this, with no doubt, is an effective way to better women's social status and narrow the gap between men and women.

nowadays, "women's rights" becomes a fashionable term for women. while all women are talking about their ideas loudly hoping to stand themselves out from others, only a few of them have really donesomethingtopavetheway tothe"equal world"。 in my opinion, they are actually the pioneers of our world and are worth being respected.

女权的英语作文 篇四

Since the time God created Adam and Eve, women and men,with different body structure and distinct characteristics, are regarded as two totally different groups in the world.

From that time, our ancestors have never felt suspicious of this established fact. Modern women, however, with highly developed intellect,tend to distrust the truth held for thousands of years. Believe it or not, a friend of mine is such a girl who always pretends to be an allegiant follower of women's rights.

Such things happen that she always goes into raptures at the mere mention of women's rights. She has a big heap of theories of her own to teach those naive girls in the dorm. Though she often extols the virtue of being independent, having no marriage,having no children, or even never trusting men's words, she has never put it into practice up to now.

What's more ridiculous,she was propagating her forever-correct ideas last minute, while she is meeting her beloved boyfriend this minute and never tired of meeting those new handsome guys. When we laughed at her for her unworkable theories, she always laughed like a drain, "I love guys, but I don't trust them.

What I am doing is to earn the same opportunity of having fun of love as men always do,"she added every time, "experience is the best way to protect yourself from those bad guys!" This doesn't surprise me any more for the real equality with men is not like this.

In my opinion, real advocators of women rights never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.

They disregard those old social rules of women and men without being aware that they've really done something to bridge the inequality with men. Compared with those women like who has been mentioned above, they have a strong inner desire to pursue the same opportunity as men have. Unlike girls who lay great emphasis on taking advantage of cosmetics and fashionable dressing, they spent much more time in learning, reading and perfecting themselves.They've been conscious that without a perfect performance capability and advanced skills in the field of what they are working,the equal opportunities won't fall down from the heaven. Besides this, they also involve themselves in such activities as discussions, seminars, forums and mass media to make the society and men know them well. This, with no doubt, is an effective way to better women's social status and narrow the gap between men and women.

女权的英语作文 篇五

Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates

Gender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global

problem 。In ancient times, many countries in the world exist such Concept , but the practice of Feminist movement have never stopped.

Nowadays, all over the world to advocate equality between men and women ,and in fact the situation is become better and better , but many people still Hold on this concept In the

subconscious 。Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis, the economic downturn, make it more and more difficult for the

college graduates to look for jobs. In this case, it seems unlikely that girls can find a job, because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girls with a variety of reasons.

In my opinion, the concept is wrong, equality between the sexes has long been written into national laws of many countries. And there are many outstanding women, take a important roles in the government and enterprises 。

At present-day society, the ability of women don’t seem to be smaller than men, so we should change our concept of inequality between men and women completely, we should give girls much more opportunities. And our society will become more harmonious and beautiful!






女权话题作文高三作文 篇六







女权话题作文高三作文 篇七







女权话题作文高三作文 篇八





厌恶自己的出身,又仇恨追求的地方。可是,结局却是峰回路转,于连死了,他不是被社会抹杀的,他是被司汤达扼杀的,我认为(有脑子的人都应该有主见,对错放两旁)司汤达在最后是对让他处处碰壁的社会做了一次妥协,应该说是忏悔,而后人却一直这悲剧的结局当做对后人的警钟,对,让有雄心的穷人们放弃奋斗,放弃所谓是不择手段的奋斗,这就是全世界所有得势阶级所要看到的结果。没有人比他们更清楚------------他们自己,或者他们的祖上, 就是不择手段起家的。


男人的捷径是女人,100多年前,还 没女权主义的时代,法国的文学巨匠就告诉我们了,只要是关于人性的,那他就是永恒的(除非人类灭绝),




如果中学的语文课本选用这本书 评论一定是反映了西方资本主义虚荣的堕落生活。


就算偶尔有红楼梦这般神作入选 评论也只是反封建反官僚主义 从小被这些主义包裹的我 也算人模人样地长大了 看到漂亮朋友的时候 我居然本能地就想到了反资本主义反腐朽反虚荣 还 好那并不是我发自内心的 只是中学无数阅读理解做下来残余的后遗症 反而 我对杜洛瓦居然有种隐约的认同感 隐约的 我也爱漂亮朋友这四个字给我的感觉 忽然觉得就这样开到茶糜也没什么不好

社交,一个令人头痛但是,大家又不得不面对的问题。 在这里这种能力得到升华。 同时,它也告诉我们还 要注意形象。












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