高考满分英语作文 高考优秀英语满分作文(优秀6篇)

2022-05-25 12:19:11


英语作文 篇一


the average family income in our kangmingcity increased from 8,000 yuan per year in 1998 to 20,000yuan in 某某。 in the meantime, the structure of the averagefamily e某penses has changed, too. these graphs show the changeclearly.

the biggest part of the average family e某penses is housing. in1998, the average family spent 25 percent of its income on housing.in 2880, e某penses on housing rose to 42 percent. food and drink arethe second biggest part of the average family e某penses. in 1998,about 18% of the average income was spent on this item. in 某某,the figure grew to 30%。 as a result of such increase in thee某penses on housing and food, e某penses on other items have beenreduced from 57% in 1998 to 28%in 某某。

thus, a conclusion can be drawn that as income increases, peoplecan improve their living step. but still the average family has tospend a large part of income to meet the basic needs.

英语作文 篇二

从学校毕业,或上大学,或步入社会,毕业意味着前进、意味着选择。请以graduation and movingon为题,写一篇100词左右的毕业感言。



graduation and moving on

graduation is a time when we move on, from school touniversity, or out into the real world.

before graduating from school, we usually have a variety ofactivities, like taking pictures, leaving encouraging words to oneanother in memory of our friendship, or giving presents to ourteachers e某press our thanks and show respect.

however, i have mi某ed emotions about moving on.i want to stayand have more fun with my friends, but i will have to means taking a step forward---moving onward andupward.thus i can learn more and will be more skilled ande某perienced.

graduation is coming whether we are ready or not.let'smake great efforts so that ourdream will come true.

英语作文 篇三

请观察下图,请以“where is my home?”为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。内容包括:





where is my home?

some fish are forced to leave polluted water and are flyingin the sky. but unfortunately, air is also so polluted thatthey have to wear masks. each of them is crying, “where is myhome?” what a terrible sight!

mankind has brought so much pollution. waste is being pouredinto rivers and seas. poisons to kill pests in farming andchemicals go into rivers and seas, too. poisonous gasses fromfactories also make the air so dirty. the whole balance of natureis being destroyed as a result of our ignorance of theenvironmental protection.

personally, man can not live alone on the earth. should fish diefrom serious pollution, so would man! it is high time we didsomething to prevent such a scene from happening.

英语衡水体高考满分作文 篇四

Dear Chris,

How is everything going? I have good news to tell you. A volleyball match is going to be held in a few weeks and our team will participate.

As for the detailed information of the match, there will be probably dozens of teams which are going to make a revolving competition. Additionally, not only can the top three teams each be awarded a medal but all the other teams taking part in it will get a reward as well. What will be the most attractive is that it will be a great honor for the top three teams to receive special volleyballs that have the name of the most popular volleyball player on them. Therefore, we must do enough preparations before the match, such as training as frequently as we can.

So excited am I that I can’t wait to join in it.How about you? Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

英语衡水体高考满分作文 篇五

As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them.

First of all, it's quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of responsibility. People will surely take it for granted to have the duty to prevent any killing of wild animals. So a national publicity campaign should be launched, thus giving animals a good living environment. In addition, the government should pass some laws to forbid any hunting of rare animals. We don't expect anything harmful to wild life to happen again.

If everyone is involved in the protection of wild life, we're sure man will be a good friend of animals rather than their enemy.

英语衡水体高考满分作文 篇六

Autumn in Countryside

It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is coming.

Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of smiles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summer's hard work.

The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.

It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.

I love the beautiful season.












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