飘英文读后感 《飘》英文读后感优秀10篇

2023-04-22 07:51:31


《飘》英文读后感 篇一

That's how it's been recently. Look at it. The whole person enters into its plot, a person originally can infinite bravery, in order to survive can seek, however fear in the heart.

It seems to me that some of the withdrawal is so...

When it's time to call it, call it out. Don't hide it. A man is stuck to some rules and looks pretentious.

In the turbulent times, so strong and brave heart.

If you have had all the good things in the past, when everything is turned into one, accept the fact. A man comes and goes every day, day and night, listless and listless. You're just going to keep throwing you away. In order to get the care of life, change the heart to change the environment, from now on to continue to be like the carefree life to go to fight, slowly close to happiness.

Don't be afraid to take care of your surroundings when you need to take care of them. Everyone needs you, maybe you don't know anything, but calm down. Only if you are brave and strong, can you feel dependent.

Clinging to barefoot in the clear waters of the lake, the fullness of attachment, the pride of being held... When everything becomes a luxury, take the initiative to take it, and everyone else is looking at you and hoping to take comfort from you.

Sometimes I want a strong shoulder to help, but sometimes I have to face it.

The monotony is one thing to go to fight, looking at the improving day by day, everything in front of it is not very dim. There's another scene.

Closing the book, looking at the ceiling, silence: it seems to evoke something in the heart, something about weakness, dependence, suffering...

飘英语读后感 篇二

"Gone with the wind", a novel by American writer Margaret Mitchell, is one of my favorite books. I like scarletts brave and brave, like rhetts quick and decisive, like Melanies outside soft.

I felt ambivalent about scarlett, but I hated and had to admire her. I admire her for her strong, admire her persistence for land, admire her can in the education of environment down had had changed work, admire her can disregard social comments on and start my own business. She is beautiful and willful, not a popular person. She would play tricks, but she was tough, she was passionate, she was a lovely woman. She likes the happiness and the rich life, she has been pursuing her ideal love. But destiny is not so simple. She was a very personable figure, and she had loved two men in her life, and she had not known one. If she knew ASHLEY, she would not love him; If she knew rhett, she wouldnt lose him. Shes been living up to rhett, and shes just chasing the prince of her dreams -- ASHLEY. She just thought that ASHLEY had it, she just made a gorgeous dress that ASHLEY put on and fell in love with him. And the truth is, she just loves that dress.

Scarletts life has several souls, one of her mother. Her mother was a very capable, gentle and typical lady, who she admired most. However, the mother died of typhoid fever to save her life. The other, ASHLEY, was her favorite for more than a decade. She was able to stand up in the face of adversity, in large part because of ASHLEY. She was very dedicated to ASHLEY. And one, Melanie. For more than a decade, Melanie had become an indispensable part of her life.

I think each of us will have our own desires, and everyone is pursuing their own happiness. Desire can be a motivation for us. This desire leads to the development of culture and technology, which also leads to crime and war. Desire is very important to us. We will pursue our own happiness, although we will encounter many difficulties and disputes, but we should not give up our own desires and pursuits. As she said: "I am too tired to think today. Think about it tomorrow! We can rest, but we must not give up.

《飘》英语读后感 篇三

"Not to be left forever in a riot, to be favored to have a bullying." Eason chans red rose, how many peoples voices are heard. How many people see themselves or others in this song. And I seem to have seen the giggle of the troubled beauty.

"Her heavy eardrop hanging on a long chain of gold, from neatly net with curly hair hangs down, swings around the brown eyes, the eyes like the winter leaves glittering in the bright of the lake, two brown leaf flash reflection from the quiet water of the lake", she is such a beautiful woman. As the daughter of a southern farmer, she is carefree, cheerful and cheerful, and her fathers doting has made her a proud, rebellious, stubborn and vain character. She is the heroine of gone with the wind -- scarlett. She is beautiful, but she is better at using her beauty, using some tricks, so there are many suitors around her. When she is keen to dance, only wear conspicuous clothes, shuttling between the man and become the centre of each ball, sinking looked at the men in her beauty, her heart is filled with pride. She walked around, refused to return, and watched the men fight for him and pay her respects, and she was just a little bullying.

《飘》英文读后感 篇四

Read again the American writer Mitchell's "gone with the wind", of which the heroine is also one of my favorite characters, her beautiful, strong and optimistic, tenacious struggle for life, never give in. To the dedication of love, in his love, love and marriage can be separated, or the separation of spirit and body, put aside everything to love ASHLEY, fight for their own happiness, not to etiquette and morality on their own love, her love is always free.

In her love in the world there is nothing as of late, when she lose ASHLEY, thoroughly lost daughter, husband scottberrie has left her, she didn't feel true love is, so despite the psychic trauma and regret, believe that you will be able to save her husband's heart. I like her catchphrase: "whatever it is, tomorrow will be another day." Her heart has been shining in the chaos!

Mitchell, cut by its excellent artistic attainments, portrayed the protagonist and the characters in the book have obvious personality, several leading role in personality, morality and so on various aspects both comparative and intense, and interdependent, raises a series of conflicts, produced many bewildering suspense, make the story a ring clasp, ups and downs. In the time of reading the works, my temperament has also been accompanied by the plot, and I have seen a lot of tears. The works leave me with a powerful shock and a lifetime of touching.

《飘》英文读后感 篇五

I've seen gone with the wind many times, and originally it was the title of the book that attracted me, and I didn't understand a book that was so thick that I could just use one word to summarize the whole text. Browse, unconsciously by Melanie, scarlett and rhett's distinctive temperament, a subconsciously want to carefully watch the second time, third time to more, also surprise every watch it again will have different harvest.

Besides exquisite portrayal of the scene and psychological, I think the biggest charm of "gone with the wind" is deeply described the affection between men and women because of dislocation and a gripping, disturbing feelings and I think the shaping of the characters of the character of the three: the former performance the hero and heroine repeatedly miss each other, one of the most amazing place heart panic, feeling unusually bitter is the end of the novel, one party intellectual awakening, but the other means. Maybe everyone who sees this will have the idea: cherish the people who truly love you! After all, there is only one man in the world. The latter is the character of the world, the reader will deeply remember melan's magnanimity, fraternity and gentleness, scarlett's brave, capricious and rebellious, rhett's interest, special affection and unusual manner. The beginning told the story to the American civil war as the background, through the war bring about the change of the plot, the protagonist scarlett is also grow in the process, at the same time launched a a gut-wrenching, sad love story twists and turns.

At the end of the book, the strong scarlett was not depressed and decided to go back to tara and start a new life. Gone with the wind is such a magnificent and detailed epic. Scarlett was undoubtedly my favorite character, because scarlett was so independent that she came all the way to life, and when she faced difficulties, she chose to bear it. But when she faced the choice of love, at first she chose to deceive herself. When she finally realized it, it was too late to face it. At the end of despair, when the goddess of fate will no longer take care of her, when there is nothing to do, she will tell herself that tomorrow is a new day, and that everything will be better tomorrow. She was an angry, scrappy person in the whole story. My favorite is her "Tomorrowisanotherday." Always full of hope, full of will, never give up, never despair.

The novel tells us a lot, and the only thing I've learned is that we can breathe briefly, but we can't give up. After all, tomorrow is another day, the past let it gone, because we have tomorrow, life does not end one day, our steps, the pursuit of our faith, we will not, and should not be stopped.

《飘》英文读后感 篇六

Perhaps it is because of the truth of the novel that I would like to enjoy the courage, sense of responsibility and fearless spirit of scarlett. Like the Christian worship of Jesus, the adoration of rhett's love for scarlett was so tolerable that it could contain her all.

The most profound memory of love is that scarlett, after talking to rhett, murmured that if I knew ASHLEY, I would never fall in love with him. If I knew rhett, I wouldn't have made him want to leave. This sentence is right, as we ourselves, no matter how clear the bystanders, we cannot always know the truth, after all, it is emotional.

What I like most about life is the end of the novel, scarlett's inner workings: tomorrow, I will find a way to keep him, and tomorrow will be another day. It may be said that this is a cowardice of reality, but I think it is an optimistic attitude.

《飘》的英文读后感 篇七

In love, although Scarlett has experienced many twists and turns, for a long time and are confused about their true feelings, but finally understand their love is often gave her courage in adversity, let her steadfast Rhett, the final two people still made a good marriage.

"Still leave it for tomorrow." Anyway, tomorrow is a new day.。. " This is Scarletts famous, which shows great optimism. When we have difficulty in the difficulties, we may think of this sentence, it will give us strength!

《飘》英文读后感 篇八

Yesterday, I finished calligraphy and went to the bookstore with my mother to buy some books. When I came to the bookstore, I saw the world classic, gone with the wind. Open it and find it interesting and buy it.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to start looking. "Gone with the wind" is about her life. She is unyielding and unyielding in the face of the flames of war. In the face of the death of her loved ones, she dried her tears and tried to cheer up. In the face of the lover's departure, she is undaunted, to start again.

She had been through many trials and tribulations, and she had always loved her, but she could only marry her cousin, Melanie, for the fame of her family. Scarlett was forced by her life to marry three men she did not love.

Some of them died of illness, some of them resolutely left her. Scarlett had three children, but she still managed to feed them.

Scarlett, who had married three men to feed her children, had endured a lot of pain, and her hands had gone from soft, white, delicate hands to calloused hands.

I admire scarlett very much, she is undaunted, unyielding, too great!

《飘》英文读后感 篇九

Wittgenstein once said, "I would like to walk on the ground and not dance in the clouds." How many of us want to reach out to the cloud, to chase what we can't get, and forget what we have until we lose it. The ground walk, just more steady and steady, this is the novel "gone with the wind" to give me the feeling!

After reading "gone with the wind," I was obsessed with the love story between scarlett and rhett. Scarlett loved ASHLEY when she was young, even when she learned that ASHLEY was about to marry Melanie, she was desperate to find ASHLEY and show her heart. Her subsequent marriages were only for her own benefit. Later, rhett appeared, and he knew scarlett better than anyone else. She was a strong, tough, vain, greedy, selfish woman, but also had a good and good side. He loved her as a child, and even tolerated her love for another, waiting for her to repent. Later because their daughter died unexpectedly, have appeared in the rift between them, rhett begin to feel tired and pain, he chose to leave scarlett, although this time scarlett has begun to consciousness, realize your true love is rhett, she begged begged rhett don't leave, but unique to his own pride and obstinacy, after all, he still did not budge.

If scarlett could treasure rhett well enough not to chase her own thing -- ASHLEY, maybe he could live a fairytale life with rhett.

Imagine, many of us not as beauty, struggling to chase, that does not belong to you things gone by, but ignored his side have the most important thing, until to lose to regret.

Tagore said, "if you miss the sun and you cry, then you will miss the stars." It is happy to cherish the people we have, because we are always unsure of what we need, and we always have a desire for everything.

Cherish the moment, cherish the people, things and things that you have, I'm afraid not many people can actually do it. People love to watch a mountain high and eat in a bowl. It is a household word, it is a negative word, it is believed that nobody will like it, but in reality, how many people become its slave, unable to extricate themselves. I hope that we can really do not just look away from the distance, but also focus on the present, instead of blindly chasing what we can't get and what we don't get, and ignore what we have.

Walking on the ground, yearning for a better life!

《飘》英文读后感 篇十

An epic tale of "gone with the wind" is a spectacular display of American life during the Asian civil war and reconstruction. Along with the old splendor of the twelve oaks and tara, the southerners' leisurely life has been turned upside down. The traditional southern society with ethics and their guardians, profession in the world even rebuild finally over, everything fade away, and the smoke of the war seems to be in the moment of democratic administration, but belongs to the era before the war of people struggle with another kind of life ever stop again? All kinds of untouchable smoke, such as the change of The Times and the conflicts of different civilizations, are also lasting forever.

Pre-war leisurely peaceful breath spread in southern breathing air, who turned down the social ethics and ethics of penetration in each of the southern culture, and the farm every pile soil, every piece of metaphor of cotton harvest, each pair of masters and the delicate relationship with the neighbours, have become part of their life. Among the many southerners, ashlee was more deeply integrated with the kind of civilization he loved to miss, and became a part of it. Thus the attachment to the old life of the "charming, well-proportioned" works of art is far more profound than the others, and the incongruous nature of the new life is revealed. He has the same vision and rhett, can see through the essence of the war, also, of course, understand the word of "evolution", "survival of the fittest", but lacked the courage to abandon his era of belonging to embrace new society, afraid of all real living people and things, even the scarlett would also like to try our best to avoid. Therefore, ashe ritual is only part of the old civilization and can't be the best representative, even if a civilization inevitably end, never should exist only in illusion and dream, should not just be firmly embedded in the society of the tailored, real living is the guarantee of a civilization exists.

In the same age as ASHLEY, melani lived the pride of an era. The war "life is associated with the sonorous spurs away", she is not don't know, also not indifferent, just more willing to brave to face the difficult process of social upheaval, she is the symbol of that era. If Allen and Melanie belong to derive an era of great women, I think Melanie more representative, although the same WenHuiDuan, supple center belt just, but, after all, Ellen unfortunately died at the early stage of the war, but had to avoid the struggle against gone with; And Melanie, through all this, kept the high society in the face of suffering, became the backbone of a class, and began to live a new life firmly, never giving up hope of life. So when she jie virtuous life eventually fell, ASHLEY's spirit, scarlett knew his dependence on her, as if the dream of a generation, a legendary story to an end.

After the war, the life was left in ruins, the desire for survival and the power of life quietly grew. Scarlett, looking forward to the green eyes of the young, has witnessed the misery of life, but always full of hope. Her predecessors have experienced devastating blow, but with their own hands from adversity to gain the best outcome, not so much her strong stems from a family of origin, as it is in front of the disaster tenacious life in common. So whenever scarlett was heartbroken by her departure from Ellen's teachings, she would tell herself, "Ming

Day is a new day, the day is long, and the time to think pain is more, to solve the present dilemma is the most urgent. Tara, as the land of life, is the most direct definition of survival, which scarlett sees as her destiny and the battlefield. Until the love of her life goes away, tara remains the final destination of her choice.

Floating in the troubled times, no matter like ASHLEY ceremony alive, like Melanie held beliefs, or like rhett and scarlett to survive by hook or by crook, past everything, including old, native and stories with distant civilization could not be check to fade away. Though rhett to Charleston finally really and realistic social reconciliation, scarlett can again draw strength from the bosom of tara, ASHLEY again, in the face of life, who can be with the wind gone past of animosity, but may not touch real smoke never stop. As ashely said, "no matter when civilization destroys, the result always repeats itself. Savvy enterprising people survive, become obsolete, "didn't mind didn't courageous battle always going on, but was later generations previous interpretation of the story, children in different ways on different from power again rise and fall of the credit.

Everyone has an escape nightmare like scarlett, a struggle in a certain situation, a struggle, but a process of metabolic regulation. Anyone who can sail like a boat on the side of a boat is a profound understanding of the past, the passing of the wind, the smoke...












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