spring festival英语作文 春节的英语作文About Spring Festival(优秀3篇)

2024-02-08 06:47:08

无论是在学校还是在社会中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的'有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是书包范文为小伙伴们整编的春节的英语作文About Spring Festival(优秀3篇),希望能够给您的写作带来一定的帮助。

英语作文The Spring Festival 篇一

Today is New Year's Day, the outside decorated, celebrate, extremely busy!

The streets are: firecrackers, the drums and gongs of. The most fun but also a few dance the dragon, the first one uncle Wu Zhao a "dragon pearl", the other uncle, Wu Zhao 2 "Dragon", each a "dragon" are trying to "Dragon Ball" became his treasured.

Very happy today!




The spring Festival英语作文 篇二

Our house have three years did not go home, we can finally go back to our home for the holiday this year.We after 17 hours of journey, and finally reached the destination.A car to meet us is young aunt, sister and grandparents. Because we hurried on, when I get home already tired and hungry, so hurriedly washing and went to sleep.

The second day early in the morning, we went to the three outside the government, in his house, there are many interesting animals, a dog, a fish. Of course the most interesting is the cock and the hen. The cock and the hen can be fun! When you eat, as long as give them some meters, they will rush to rob. The cock eat satisfied after, will be like a crow called a few times, and the hen eat satisfied after will go back to the nest eggs. At this time, I take a board to shake at the moment in the hen, hen was scared, so save the fly, my face was a bump on the wings of the hen. Bump hurt was painful. So I thought to myself: do I have to eat your next year.

Time passed quickly, unconsciously we have all our relatives to the familys thanks to the New Year, will soon be gone. Im unwilling ah, but mom says we can come back next year. Listen to the words of my heart a lot better.Finally, I wish you all in the New Year, everything goes well, happy!





Spring Festival 春节初中英语作文 篇三

The spring rain is soft, see the spring rain on the branches of bamboo and bamboo leaves. The rain sometimes straight down, alternated with the wind, leaving a smoke, such as fog, such as yarn, such as silk, splashing rain as if right on the beating of the notes, playing a beautiful melody.

the sky, how is multicoloured, make a person dazzling? Oh, the children are flying kites. Under the sky of the blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites are floating freely floating, soaring, how to make a happy scene! The soil of the woods is mixed with fresh smell, the blade of grass slowly probes, in the roots, in the bush, at your feet, quietly spread the unknown light green. Like light water.

In the warm spring in the sun, and other birds, busy nesting, busy Prédateur, busy childbearing. They sing and sing throughout the day, as if to tell the story of spring, as if to sing the beauty of spring.


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