风景英文 关于介绍风景的英语(优秀7篇)

2024-01-13 18:30:33


关于介绍风景的英语 篇一

Places of I introduce city.

As we am some interest in ShaanXi from Shaanxi of Province.

to Now I will you in my places interest all know, Xi’An had been the capital of many dynasty.

It was called many Horses visitors.

years of ago.

I believe Chang-An Terracotta Warriors and Qing Shi Huang is popular with foreign was built as Terracotta Warriors and Horses sacrificial objects of If you have a lot emperor Qing Shi Huang’s tomb.

to visit statues there, and you make can the chance of appreciate elegant acquaintance of And HuaQing about the Lake.

It the traditional culture of China.

most And is attractive there said of Tang is that and place a it to me is romantic is the where stroy that of in to bath there.

emperor lady love XuanZong took each a Legend fell go a Yang with shower other your together, deeply.

lover, You and and can enjoy HuaQing Lake with physically and psychologically.

The above is my introduction about tourism places.













关于介绍风景的英语 篇二

Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the Sandu Island! Now let me tell you something about it. The Sandu Island is a beautiful place surrounded by the sea and it has a long history. It's a good place to spend holidays because there are many places of interest on can have great fun on this island. You can go boating, go fishing and have picnics if you like. Besides, you can walk along the 'll stay on the island for the whole morning, have lunch on the island and leave in the afternoon. While you are traveling, pay attention to your own you have a good time on the island!Thank you.

关于介绍风景的英语 篇三

Dafengmen scenic area is located in the baishuizhai scenic area of Zengcheng. It is like a piece of Jasper inlaid between baishuixian Watell Scenic Area and Nankun scenic area. It passes through the tropical square kilometers here.

It is surrounded by water, forest, lake, watell, Moulin deep pool, hot spring, ladder, national famous mountain and holy water. Dafeng gate has unique advantages and the magnificent Dafeng gate is constantly developing Perfect, the scenic area has built a gorge overpass. The ancient and rough logs of Mishui are carefully carved, which can let you have a close distance with the jingling sound of green grass and clear spring.

The new stone ridge road can let you have a good time. The touch will disturb the watell. The elegant Bridge will let you walk into the sunset of Pinglan, immerse yourself in the scene, and imagine the classical keel and playground designed for tourists under the splendid watell The ancient millstone series is slowly rotating with simple and simple shape.

Because of the high mountain Carmel mountain, the canyon is deep and precipitous for thousands of years, which has closed the previously inaccessible area. After three years of careful planning and long-term protective development, today, with its beautiful and pollution-free Dafeng original landscape forest area, there are Hu Runmu, maple, camphor, bayberry, Honglian, Zhaozhao Brand, bamboo, etc. are the only 100 kinds of plants and flowers in the national first-class protected plants, and the rare herbaceous plants around the age of dinosaurs, including wild plants and cypress trees.

The signboards are the national key protected plants. The green trees are shaded with ancient and antique flavor. The air is crisp in autumn and the canyons are crisscross.



关于介绍风景的英语 篇四

i have a big bedroom. it is bright and clean. there’s a big bed in it. behind the bed, there’s a large photo of me on the wall. in front of the bed, there’s a large bookcase and a tv. next to the bookcase, there are two desks, one is big, the other is small.

there is an air conditioner opposite the desks. below the air conditioner, there is a big round mirror. and there are two bedside tables near my bed. one is on the left and the other on the right.

there is a wardrobe in my bedroom, many clothes are in it. there are also dolls and stationery in my bedroom. and there will be a computer in my bedroom next year. i like my bedroom very much!

关于介绍风景的英语 篇五

My hometown has mountains and water, the second grade composition my hometown. The mountain is female mountain, also called _jade ring mountain_. It's an ancient volcano that erupted a long time ago, and now you can see the traces of the eruption, the mountains like Mount Fuji in Japan. There are also women mountain pumice stones, which are burned by the magma when the volcano erupts, and the stone will not sink on the surface of the water. Water, is the female mountain lake, rich in products, rich in fish and shrimp, lotus seeds, and so on, the fishing season, the fishermen's fishing scene is not lively. Many businessmen from big cities like hefei come to my hometown.

It is spring, and the spring is the most beautiful. Expect my classmates to go to my hometown to play, to see the mysterious ancient volcano: _female mountain_.

Do you know where the famous hot spring scenic spot is? I'll tell you what, it's just giving birth to my hometown, baijie town. It was a pleasant place surrounded by mountains. In front of my home is a series of continuous high mountains, with a wide road in front of the house, along both sides of the road is a tall building, a winding river winding the road into the distance. My hometown has changed greatly in recent years. The quarries are rattling all day long, and lorries full of people's expectations run into the distance. The most interesting place is the hot spring swimming pool. All the year round, the old people, adults and children are willing to soak in the warm spring and enjoy the gift of nature. The people in my hometown are very hospitable. If you come to my home to play, I will have to take you to bubble hot springs, and you will be very comfortable.

In the spring, the swallows flew back from the north, and the willows had grown tiny branches, and the grass peeped out from the ground. There are green views everywhere.

In the summer, we walked on the wide and wide road with colorful hats, only to go back for a swim.

In autumn, even the old grandpa and grandma are busy, because he or she is harvesting, and my classmates and I will go on an outing in this perfect time.

In winter, snowflakes are flying everywhere, everywhere in silver, as if into a fairy tale world. My classmates and I made snowmen and snowball fights in this happy time.

How beautiful my hometown is! How I like my hometown!

关于介绍风景的英语 篇六

How horrible the traffic is! The picture depicts a scenario of a terrible traffic jam in the street. In fact, the traffic jam is so heavy that it is more of a parking lot than a crowded street①. Anxious passengers cannot take buses because there are few buses. Instead, the street is filled with too many private cars。

Exaggerated as it is, the phenomenon is not uncommon nowadays. With the number of private cars increasing②, traffic jams in metropolitans are bound to happen. Heavy transportation pressure in large cities may bring much inconvenience to people and exert negative impacts on the environment. On the one hand, when traffic jam happens, short distance in the past now seems to become terribly long, and drivers could do nothing but to wait. Therefore, a lot of precious time has been wasted on the road. On the other hand, exhausted gas emitted by cars③ has increased the burden of environment and caused carbon emission, which has perted from the concept of living a low carbon life。

Therefore, effective measures should be taken to alleviate the traffic jam. Firstly, taxes levied on the sales of private cars④ should be raised so as to restrict private car ownership rate. Secondly, public transportation such as buses and subways, which are low-carbon transportation means, should be encouraged and promoted so that we can have a smooth transportation。

关于介绍风景的英语 篇七

Emei Mountain is one of the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism. Our family is not very trustworthy Buddha, here, is completely running the _Emei world show_ reputation and that breathtaking four wonders - sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha, the lights away.

To the Emei Mountain, the sunrise and the sea of vision is a noisy team caught a trace of no trace. What _Emei world show_ also will disappear. whispering sound! _Show_ A mountain is all selling small business hawkers, all the way to pull you to someone else's hotel to stay in the staff.

Suddenly remembered Mr. Yu Qiuyu in the _Cultural Journey,_ a book wrote: Qingchengshan no longer quiet. Last year I have been to Qingcheng Mountain, the mountain aside aside, the mountains and the top is also very quiet, especially the top of the mountain, quiet even have their own breathing sounds also heard. Perhaps Mr. Yu is just disappointed at the foot of the mountain and the strike, but perhaps he did not expect, a group of bustling mountain _insects_, even sitting on the hill is not willing to. Do not know if Mr. Yu had been Emei, if he saw Emei this scene, probably more disappointed than the Qingcheng Hill it.

Before long, we were a pedestrian was a man coaxed to a hotel stay. On the four wonders of all kinds of fantasy, suddenly was a pot of cold water to head out - live footers, destined with the four wonders missed. No way: both to come, then the security of the.

The next day, boarded the Golden Summit, did not see the sunrise and sea of clouds, expected. Can be more than three thousand meters of the peak, actually as cold as winter, but I did not expect it. I do not understand the Buddha, so stand above the top of the gold, nothing more than just blowing some cool breeze, but also almost get a cold.

Emei, the eldest son of the Buddha; Emei who, the pride of the mountains; now Emei, secular by the troubled, then there are thousands of style, more with whom said?












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