介绍信模板 英语介绍信格式(通用3篇)

2023-12-20 19:38:36


英语介绍信格式范文模板 篇一

dear sir or madame,

it is with great pleasure that i write to recommend courtney alexander to you. i have known courtney for the pst two years and have had the pleasure of having her in my united states history class during her junior. in the class she ws one of the most outstanding students. at the semester final she earned high grade of 91, which should be a according to our grading system. i also found her good at other studies. after classes, she had personal talks with me many times. she indicated a great interest in teching. during tht time i found her to be a bright, diligent, friendly youn woman. besides, courtney is not afraid of hard work, and is a team plyer. her ability to work with her clssmates is a special quality that will benefit her as she moves on to the next level. throughout the year, she worked cooperatively with those seated around her in reviewing notes, going over possible examination materials, and working through some of the more difficult her contributions to my class, the promissing young girl helped not only herself, but also others around her who were not progressing and improving as quickly as she could. courtney alexander is undoubtedly a student with the potential for great success at the next level. in my opinion, courtney alexander was born a teacher, which can be further developed and she is sure to give all of you a big surprise in the years to come. so i enthusistically recommend her for admission to your university.

if you have any questions or concerns in regards to courtney, plese feel free to contact me at . thank you for your time.

介绍信 篇二


②正文:另起一行,空两格写介绍信的内容, 包括持介绍信人的姓名、年龄、职务、政治面貌,要接洽的事项和对对方的希望、要求;

③ 结尾:写“此致敬礼”一类的敬词;






英语介绍信格式范文模板 篇三

Dear,i am .i am that a man is brave iscircle speciality is measured and maintained,graduate from thecollege of auto industry of .

i study specialized course diligently in the time at school, train ones own self-study been admitted to the time at school car steeringand shone,repair the card in automobile admitted to the automobile sale and after-sale service speciality of undergraduate course of self-study examination of the university of always load in jetta and fields lying fallow in rotation of the treasure of our company one is practised,receive the leaders trust, with the heavy repair shop of the audi now.

today, the automobile is fierce in competition , it is higher and higher to peoples like the automobile very much, i like the work of the automobile very much can be competent at the company and hand over any p〔shubaoc.com〕ost to is it is it hope leader can give me chance to let me make contribution for company to progress to demand me offer some strength for beautiful tomorrow of the company,express gratitude to the leaders for your attention,thats all.












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