英文文章 英语经典美文短文带翻译欣赏 30篇经典美文英语短篇和翻译【最新7篇】

2023-06-15 10:54:56

阅读经典美文可以丰富学生的知识,巩固学习成果;可以提高学生的阅读能力和写作能力;可以学生的审美能力和陶冶情操。下面是书包范文为您精心整理的英语经典美文短文带翻译欣赏 30篇经典美文英语短篇和翻译【最新7篇】,希望能够为您的写作带来一些参考。

2023年英语阅读文章汇总 篇一















最新英语经典美文短文带翻译欣赏(推荐 篇二

as we all know, the most important thing in life is our attitude towards it, tons of men have tried different ways of treating life, and some succeeded, some failed, and here are some of the tips they left us.

life isn’t about keeping score. life isn’t about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin. in fact it’s not about if you have lots of friends or if you are alone, and it’s not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. life just isn’t about that.

but life is about whom you love and who you hurt. it’s about how you feel about yourself. it’s about trust, happiness and compassion. it’s about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love. life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence. it’s about what you say and what you mean. it’s about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. and we should always remember to be ourselves. other might have things that we desire but being what we really are is the only trail leading to the true colors of life. most of all, it’s about choosing to use your life to touch someone else’s in a way that could have never been achieved otherwise.

the paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers; we buy more but enjoy them less. we’ve learnt how to make a living but not a life, we’ve added years to life, but not life to years. and it is time for us to choose whether to make a difference in our life.

and these choices are what life is about.





生活就是关注人的自身,而不是关注别人的拥有。而且我们必须记住保持我们的本色。虽然,生活的另一面令我们向往,但保持我们的本色是通往生活真谛的必由之路。总之,生活就是用你整个的生命去触摸其他人从未企及的选择。 在生活的长河中也常常令我们困惑和矛盾,我们拥有越来越高大的建筑,但我们也越来越缺乏耐心;我们购买的物质越来越多,但我们从中得到的快乐越来越少。我们学习如何活着但那却不是生活;人类的寿命越来越长,但有意义的生活并因此而延长。因此,现在正是我们选择使我们的人生变得不同凡响的时候了。初中英语演讲稿这些选择就是生活的真谛。

英文优美文章 篇三

We all get confused at times, but prolonged periods of confusion can cause us to feel that we are stuck in a never-ending, foggy web of uncertainty.


To those who are currently caught up in the web of confusion, this may not make sense just yet, but stick with me.


Here is what you can do to overcome your confusion and find the joy:


1、 Accept where you are.


Accept the fog, accept the confusion and accept the feelings of "stuckness." This is usually a sign that more information needs to be delivered before you can move forward.


2、 Take a deep breath.


Center yourself, and firmly state, "I don't know what to do, and that is okay." When you firmly state your uncertainty, you move out of the fog. The more you focus on your certainty, the more at peace you will feel with where you are at.


3、 Focus on what you know.


When you are confused it can be easy to get stuck in a web of consistent, repetitive thoughts that appear to have no end and no beginning. To clear this, start focusing on what you know and what you feel sure about. When you do this, it will automatically help to weaken the cloud of confusion over your life.


4、 Be patient.


Being confused is a sign of change and you may need to let the journey unfold a little bit more before you make a decision. Be at peace with that, and be at peace with the fact that you don’t have all the answers. Just accept the way things are and trust that inspiration will reach you when the time comes to make a decision.


The beauty about being stuck and confused in life is that there really is no wrong turn or wrong path.


Every road traveled is a blessing in some way, so take the stress out of life's decisions and trust that all roads really do lead home.


英文励志小短文 篇四

The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. It is a moral quality. The absence of it is not an assured ground of condemnation, but the presence of it is an invariable sign of goodness of heart. In proportion to the degree in which it is felt will probably be the degree in which nobleness and beauty of character will be attained.

Natural beauty is an all-pervading presence. The universe is its temple. It unfolds into the numberless flowers of spring. It waves in the branches of trees and the green blades of grass. It haunts the depths of the earth and the sea. It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone. And not only these minute objects but the oceans, the mountains, the clouds, the stars, the rising and the setting sun---all overflow with beauty. This beauty is so precious, and so congenial to our tenderest and noblest feelings, that it is painful to think of the multitude of people living in the midst of it and yet remaining almost blind to it.

All persons should seek to become acquainted with the beauty in nature. There is not a worm we tread upon, nor a leaf that dances merrily as it falls before the autumn winds, but calls for our study and admiration. The power to appreciated beauty not merely increases our sources of happiness---it enlarges our moral nature, too. Beauty calms our restlessness and dispels our cares. Go into the fields or the woods, spend a summer day by the sea or the mountains, and all your little perplexities and anxieties will vanish. Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away. The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness.


大自然的美无处不在,整个宇宙就是美的殿堂。美,在春日百花中绽放;美,在绿叶嫩枝间摇曳;美,在深海幽谷里游弋;美,在奇石与贝壳的缤纷色彩中闪烁。不只是这些细微的物品,还有海洋,山川,云彩,繁星,日升日落 。 一切都是洋溢着美。这样的美是如此珍贵,与我们最温柔,最高尚的情愫是如此相宜。然而,想到很多人置身于美之中,却几乎对它熟视无睹,真是令人痛心不已。


精彩的英文美文阅读:Remember, a name is for life 篇五

In Sao Paulo, a baby boy is chortling away, unaware that a court is deciding his fate. If it finds in his father's favour, he is in all kinds of trouble. There may be a law in Brazil against giving your child a name that might cause him to be mocked, but daddy wants to call his son Osama bin Laden. The same father, Osvaldo Oliveira Soares, has form for trying to use babies as political statements. Nine years ago, he was banned from naming a previous son Saddam Hussein.

Unlike Brazil, there is no law in Britain that restricts a parent's right to name their child. "It's not for the registrar to say if someone has picked a name they don't think is suitable," says Alison Cathcart, superintendent registrar at Westminster register office. "But if someone is from a different culture and wants to register a name that sounds like a swear word in English then we do advise them of that."

"Naming does matter," says Helen Petrie, a professor at the City University of London and a researchersintosthe psychology of naming. "We have stereotypes of what sort of people are behind certain names. There are studies of teachers in primary schools in the US that show they rate children with certain names as less able.

"The name is the first thing we find out when we meet someone. If you call your child an unusual fluffy name like Fifi Trixibelle, as did Bob Geldof and Paula Yates, it can make life hard for you - especially if you want to be prime ministerial and are not in the least bit fluffy-headed."

There's also the class factor. "Fifty years ago there was no cross-over of names between classes. Now everyone can buy Tatler and see the name Tarquin," says Petrie. "Until the 60s, Tracey was a posh Chelsea name. Now it has a terrible stereotype. I've interviewed some Traceys who find their name a huge burden. However high up they may be in their profession, people hear their name and think they're the cleaner."

But no name is entirely safe. Your parents may not mean to mess you up but they can't know what the next mass murderer will be called. They can't necessarily protect you from other children who have a gift for making fun of any name. Sophies will tell you they were called Sofa in school; Theodores get nicknamed Odour. But, if your surname is Graves or Banks, you might reasonably expect your parents to have noticed that Robin had problems.

英文优美文章 篇六

I stand on the edge of the dance floor watching couples glide, spin, and groove as they dance the West Coast Swing. The tempo of the music is fast, but the beating of my heart is faster. I want to dance, but I'm afraid I'm not good enough.


The song ends, and as another begins, a white-haired gentleman with a rakish smile offers me his hand and pulls me onto the floor, waving away my protests that I'm only a beginner.


Okay. If he can do this, so can I.


I manage to find a respectable groove, but whenever he tries to lead me in anything other than the basic steps, I stumble. All I can do is smile a lot and apologize even more.


After I've mumbled sorry for the tenth time, he laughs and says, "It's okay. You're blonde."


Huh? It's delivered like a compliment, and I decide to take it as one; if I can't be graceful, I can at least be gracious. But later, after the shoes have come off and I'm in my own quiet room, his words keep dancing through my head. They start wearing a different kind of groove, leading to questions like:


Do I act blonde? If you believe the stereotype, blondes are assumed to be helpless, shallow, unambitious or naive. Now I know these traits have nothing to do with hair color. Still, something in this idea strikes a nerve.


Why do I apologize so much? In what ways do I minimize myself and my efforts?


How seriously do I take myself?


In an effort to answer these questions, I promptly dye my hair brown and begin collecting data. I discover that I feel plainer, duller, and more average with darker hair. I also feel more thoughtful, more discerning, more earnest. In the words of Oscar Wilde, "Life is too important to be taken seriously."


I suspect that what I want is not to be taken seriously, but to feel important. I forget about my hair color and focus instead on the ways I matter. And I define which things matter most to me.


As a result of my burgeoning self-importance, I am better able to recognize those around me who sincerely support me.


Based on my (admittedly unscientific) findings, here’s how you too can identify the people in your life who believe you are important:


They listen when you talk.


They don't laugh when you tell them a wild idea.


They seek you out for advice.


When they introduce you to someone, they make a point of saying what you do or mentioning your passion.


They understand that we're all learning, so they patiently encourage you to begin again, and again, and again.


They don't mind when you occasionally step on their toes.


They love you no matter what you look like.


Back on the dance floor, the same man grabs me again. Three months have passed and I have advanced. I finally know the steps and can hold my own.


"Okay, now you've got to work it," he says. "Give me some attitude."


I smile, not missing a beat. He's right. This is seriously fun.


英语美文摘抄 篇七

For me the autumn or fall starts in September when school starts its new term. I usually do some shopping. The mild weather made it very nice to study outside under the trees in a small park close to my house. I like to look up the leaves changing colors from green to red and yellow, and then brown colors. The park also has many bright fall flowers; sometimes I see a small squirrel coming down from the tree to hunt for food on the ground. On the weekends, I sometimes like to fly my kite. Usually on the street corners you can see street peddlers selling warm baked sweet potatoes. This is a nice time of the year.





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