英语自我介绍范文 英语自我介绍优秀8篇

2023-06-15 09:03:01


英语自我介绍带翻译 篇一

I’m glad to introduce myself to you. My Chinese name is xxx, but you can call me Cathy, my English name. I was born and raised in Guangdong, so I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin.

I’ll soon graduate from Zhongshan University, majoring in accounting. I think you may have interviewed quite a lot of students from our school, so you know this major prepares us for CGA and most courses are taught in English. My GPA is 3.6, it ranks number 9 in the 115 students in my grade. And I’ve passed 15 exams in CGA, I anticipate I will get the CGA qualification in 2009.

Besides having good academic performance, I was actively involved in student activities. I was in charge of Student Welfare in my class, and in the Student union of our school. I enjoyed this position because what I did was very important to everybody, although it was mostly small details.

I had a three-month internship in Guangdong Zhengzhong Accounting Firm. I did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports. My boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmate to join our team.

KPMG is my dream company. What’s more, I have great interest in joining the Tax Department as my long term career goal is to be a tax consultant. I wish my dream could come true today. Thank you!






英语自我介绍带翻译 篇二

Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Yuan, is a primary school student in grade two. My skin is white, has a pair of bright eyes round face.

I am a boy loves a lot, such as drawing, practicing martial arts, calligraphy I have love, but I like best is running, every class I and his classmates Lv Suhuan running.

I was a greedy boy, see good, I quickly ran home, mom to give me pocket money.

I was a little boy with a careless, I am happy to have a test in the "fortune" hard "Xin", got 99 points, the next time I must not be so careless.

This is me, a greedy, careless and lovely boy.



我还是一个贪吃的男孩子,看到了好吃的,我就会快速地跑回家,叫妈妈给我零花钱。 我还是一个粗心大意的小男孩,有一次考试我把幸福的“幸”写成了辛苦的“辛”,考了个99分,下次我一定不能再这样粗心大意了。


英语自我介绍带翻译 篇三

Dear Sir or Madame.

Hello ! I 'm XX ,I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company. I’m 22 years old and in good health. After graduation from XXXXa middle school, I have studied IT for many years. I am a better man.Do well in personal responsibility ,I am good at both operating a PC,I like palying and listening to the music.I’m interested in the position 。

I want very much to be accepted by your company. I’ll work hard if I can be a member in your company.



英文自我介绍 篇四

My passport is expired and I have to do the new registration.


What is the difference between a passport and an id card?


How can I get the visa extension in china?


My visa was denied


The flight has been delayed because of bad weather.


The flight will be delayed because of a heavy rain in our destination.


We can’t take off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility


Caac announces the departure of flight 45 to Sydney. passengers who will take this flight please go to gate 7.

中国民航广播:飞往悉尼的454次航班就要起飞了,请乘坐本次航班的乘客前往7号门登机。 This is the final call for tg flight 260,now boarding at gate 14


Passengers waiting for their connecting flight to HK please wait at gate 18.your flight is to start in two hour’s time.thank you.


Would you please give me some water


What kind of drinks do you have


A tourist of my group is sick. He feels like vomiting. Can I brother you for some hot water. 我的一个客人晕机了,他想吐。能不能麻烦你给他拿点热水来

Excuse me. Miss. Can I have some entry cards and customs declarations.


Will this flight get there on time


What is the time difference between san Francisco and Beijing


Please put this airmail sticker on the front the envelope


I’m afraid your letter has been overweight.


Be sure to put down the address of receiver clearly


Do you want to mail it by air or by ordinary mail


Please fill in how much your things are worth


I want to change some money, but I do not know how to fill out the exchange memo.


What kind of currency do you want


How do you charge for a overseas call to Germany


I want to connect to room132,mr chen.


I’ll put you through. sir. sorry sir 。 The line is busy.


Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?


Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?


How would you like the steak, rare, medium or well done.

你喜欢怎样做的牛排,是三分熟 五分熟 还是全熟

I’d like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere.


Excuse me, what would you like to drink wine, beer or whisky?

请问您要喝点什么 红酒 啤酒 还是威士忌

Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?


Do you know any of the restaurants open now?


I’d like to have some local food.


I’d like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight 。


Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert



20xx-07-23 12:20 星期四



1、 欢迎词&自我介绍:代表本旅行社感谢各位贵宾对我社的信任和认可,选择参加我们团队并简单介绍本社基本情况以及自己为大家服务的决心。

2、 强调本团集合时间、地点、领队电话和公司应急电话。

3、 向旅游者说明出境旅游注意事项,外汇兑换事项及手续等,向旅游者发放团队标志并解读《出境旅游行程表》&《旅游服务质量评价表》

4、 相关的法律法规知识及旅游目的地国家风俗习惯

5、 向旅游者详实说明各种由于不可抗力、不可控制因素导致组团社不能(完全)旅行约定情况以取得旅游者谅解。

6、 提醒告诫他们将要到访的每一个国家的`注意事项

7、 向旅游者详细说明如何注意人身&财产安全的问题

8、 向游客落实住房分配事项

9、 对游客提出团结互助、礼貌友善支撑领队工作地希望,强调文明礼貌,对以往中国游客的不文明习惯进行点评。

10、 对旅游目的地天气状况进行介绍,对游客行装配备进行建议。



1、 行前说明会主要内容及领队应落实的事项。


2、 出境旅游合同的主要内容。

答:1)旅游线路 2)费用及包含项目(1、包含项目;2、不包含项目) 3)对旅游服务质量标准的约定 4)退团及损失 5)其他相关责任和提示

3、 接待社导游向游客推荐自费项目时领队应注意什么?

答:1)不能让自费项目挤占正常的团队行程安排 2)要杜绝导游推荐的自费项目与国家的出境旅游法规中禁止的所有冲突 3)要注意不得强迫或者变相强迫旅游者参加额外付费项目4)需要对自费项目是否货真价实进行简单评估

4、 申根签证的概念。


5、 落地签证的概念,如何办理泰国落地签证。



6、 另纸签证的概念。如何办理新加波另纸签证。



7、 中国出入境的操作流程及各环节注意事项。


8、 外国地区出入境操作流程及各环节注意事项。

1) 到达旅游站或目的地后,办理有关入境手续,通常称为“过三关”即卫生检疫、证照查验,海关检查2)入境卡及申报单的表卡应事先填妥3)带团出机场时,从入境边检开始,接着取行李至海关检查,按顺序办理4)领队如先于团员通过移民关卡,应回头照顾团员,并请已过关的团员协助接取行李5)待全数入境后,经检查行李件数无误。海关要求检查时,请物主立刻开箱受检,同时告诫团员切勿离队。6)当海关检查完毕即出关与当地接待人员联络,并将行李交其负责,然后带团员等车清点人数。

9、 四核对的内容及方法


10、 游客在国外丢失了护照,领队应如何处理?



1) 尽快办理房间登记手续,记住每位团员的房间号,分房间钥匙。了解饭店的内部设施(如电梯、餐厅、邮筒地、地下街等)的位置,并告诉团员。2)分钥匙前宣布领队、导游房号以及房间电话号码,告诉集合时间和叫早、早餐、出发时间。3)进房间后,对国内重点客人应亲自巡视或者电话询问房间情况,协助解决有关问题,如有无饮用热水,洁具等。









(1) 每一位出境旅客都要树立“严格遵守旅游目的地国家或地区的交通规则”的潜意识,这一交通安全意识是“乘兴而去,顺利而归”的重要保障之一。

(2) 全世界大多数国家和地区均遵守右侧通行的规则,但在中国香港、澳门地区和日本、英国以及东南亚等一些国家是左侧通行,与中国内地右侧通行恰恰相反。所以,旅游者必须在短时间内改变习惯,穿越马路时先向右看。

(3) 境外车速较快,公路安全靠所设计的许多交通标志指挥车辆完全运行。如自己开车,更要事先充分了解当地的交通标志与交通法规以及与中国之间的差异。

(4) 为了尽可能地避免在旅游过程中发生交通事故,旅游者可通知领队或地陪或直接提醒司机不为赶时间而开快车,不酒后开车,更不要在途中允许司机与朋友交谈。如发生上述现象,可通过地陪致电交通管理部门,要求撤换司机。


近几年,出国旅游团队安全事故时有发生,旅游者们身处异国他乡,必须保持高度的警惕和清醒的头脑。(1)出境旅游时,现金和贵重物品务必随身携带;入住酒店后可存在酒店的保险柜中。(2)千万不能将自己的证件、现金、首饰等贵重物品放在行李箱中托运。国际上有个不成文的惯例,如果托运行李中的贵重物品 及货币丢失,从不按价赔偿。(3)勿与陌生人随便接触或告知自己的房号或在夜间贸然开门;不与私人兑换外币。(4)由于语言不通,情况不熟、自由活动时,一般情况下不单独行动,应该三五成群结伴而行。(5)今后出游不必带大量现金。可办理国际信用卡或旅行支票。(6)准备一些零用钱,乘计程车、打电话、购买饮料等都用的着。以免经常显露自己大额的现金,引起扒手、抢劫者的注意。















英语自我介绍 篇五

My name is . I am eight years old and a student in class 201 of road primary school. The first person who met me was impressed with my eyes, though not quite, but full of spirit and wisdom. I am a young man who loves to study, love life and love science. Normally, I like reading, sports, singing, these hobbies, not only cultivated my various aspects of the ability, but also let me develop the good habit of self-reliance.

In the school, I respect the teacher, unite classmates, like to help others, is the classmate's good partner, the teacher's little assistant. In my family, I know how to be filial to my parents, and often help my parents to do the little things I can do.

In the treatment of learning, I work hard, hard to learn to ask, encounter difficulties, brave face. Under the care of teachers and parents, I also made small achievements. In the usual discipline quiz, my grades often come out on top. In the "sunshine cup" discipline competition in huaihe road primary school in 20xx, my composition, Olympic number, writing and other competitions are on the list. After the class, I also learned to pull the erhu, now has passed the five-level examination.

"There is no end to learning." I know that my path to learning is just beginning. In the future, I will use learning as a game to make myself happy and poetically. Although the life will encounter all sorts of difficulties and setbacks, but I believe, with the help of the teachers and students, as long as a goal in your heart, hard work and tireless, all aspects of performance to the next level.

英语自我介绍 篇六

My name is   Yang west county from guangdong. This year, 20 years old, though, read the study in college, but not both outside and indignities! This year, learn the freshman year is architecture.

Half semester, I remember seem listen carefully to several classes, everything else is playing phone! I'm kinda sick of my professional! I became more and more interested in economics, is one of the reasons it can let me soon. I have time to take the business model of study.

I now is guangzhou tianhe longdong fishing losartan guangdong engineering institute, just as its name implies, college. I don't imagine the school so beautiful, so the lifeless around! But here you also want to pack me back? Slowly accustomed to.

I this person is more like that is lively outgoing boy, but not very sunshine is eventually I not handsome. I like playing basketball, table tennis, running. In this special that basketball to say: I have one meter tall, thin eight, jumped up also can grab boards, so there are people that evening to play, but I don't technology is a problem, so I didn't win that brings pride! Each back always sweat! The sweat stream into his forehead, very afflictive. This is almost every time I play basketball.

I talk about my character. I was the stronger, can endure hardships. But my mind is that enough capacious, other mistakes. And I find myself light will say won't do, in many, but not always go out! I don't like the human who owe anybody, so I don't like others owe me one. QianZhaiHaiQian, help you help me back to you next time I won't help otherwise, I think so.

英语自我介绍 篇七

Hello, everyone . I’m glad to be here . Let me introduce myself . I’m O , one of the twenty-six letters in English . I have 25 sisters and brothers . We live together in a city called “ Letter city” . It is not very big , but it has seven rooms . A. H .J and K are good friends, so they live in a nice room. B. C. D. E. G. P. T. V are lovely and warm-hearted each other, they live in the biggest room. F. L. M. N. S. X. Z live together next to them . Y and I are twins , of course . They are both happy every day . U .Q .W are brothers, they live in a room to look after each other . Only R and O (It’s me) live alone in the two smallest rooms . Every day have a lot of things to do . We get together and make lots of words , we never feel lonely.

People like us , so they make an A.B.C song for us . We are proud of ourselves . Dear friends , welcome to our “ Letter City”. Please don’t forget me . I’m O , and I’ve leaned English for only about 2 years . I think I’m really OK . Do you agree ? Thank you!

英语自我介绍 篇八

from a middle class family, i was born in hsin ying, tainan on october 10th, . my father is a civil official at tainan city government. my mother is a house wife good at cooking. although i am the only child of my parents, i am by no mans a spoiled one. on the contrary, i have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. i study hard at school. besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.

“being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” father adopts the idea of his father. especially in military service, i realized it more precisely. people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that.

i realized the importance of english and began to study diligently when i was eighteen. i did not start in my early age, but i hope that i could pass the test of general english proficiency test. and this is my best wish at the moment.




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